Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Gatsby vs. Gatsby; novel vs. film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Gatsby vs. Gatsby; novel vs. film - Essay Example One time Nick gets an invitation to one of the many parties where he gets to meet Gatsby and they recognize each other, having served in the First World War together. Gatsby’s aim of hosting the parties is to attract the beautiful Daisy. He even gets to ask Nick to organize an â€Å"accidental meeting†so they re-unite; a plan that finally succeeds. Things take a different twist when Daisy’s husband, who is also in an extramarital affair, becomes suspicious of their affair. After a night drive that kills Tom’s mistress, Tom goes hunting for, and shoots Gatsby then himself. Nick sets up a silent burial for Gatsby then returns to his initial home. Decades later in 2013, Baz Luhrmann directed a film, in the same name, featuring famous stars such as Leonardo DiCaprio. The Great Gatsby film was successful almost instantly that it won awards in its first year. This essay will compare the film and novel in detail and evaluate their representation on the theme of the human condition of always yearning for better or higher positions. The novel did not rise to fame immediately, it was published, but after the author died; it was integrated into the high school English literature curriculum where its popularity began. The popularity is attributed to its close relation to real life events that overly engage the readers in that it portrays themes with both emotional and moral significances which are considered universal human attributes. What this means is that in reading the book, one always learns something more with regards to what being human entails. In the novel, the main theme portrayed revolves around constant and insatiable human longing which is an inevitable part of human beings. The evidence in the Great Gatsby is seen in the characters like Gatsby, who is a millionaire, but still feels unsatisfied as long as he does not have Daisy. These and other attributes of human beings are brought out using different styles in the novel as this text will discuss. In
Monday, October 28, 2019
Hcs 430 Week 2 Essay Example for Free
Hcs 430 Week 2 Essay Regulatory Agency paper Name HCS/430 Legal issues in Health Care: Regulations and Compliances September 27, 2010 Instructor Regulatory Agency paper The Joint Commission is an agency that maintains partnership with the government to help improve the standards of health care within the United States. The Joint Commission accredits health care organizations and health care programs by setting standards to help improve the quality and safety of health care. The Joint Commission work closely and collaborates with government officials and legislation by ensuring health care organizations in the United States meet specific guidelines, set by The Joint Commission, which health care services provided are delivered with the highest quality and safety for the patients they service. Generally, health care organizations elect to have the joint Commission evaluate their facility through surveyors who work under a Board of Commissioners that is made up of health care experts that advocate for consumers. History The history of The Joint Commission dates back to the early 1900s. Earnest Codman M.D. created a system that would help hospitals track their patients from the beginning of admission through discharge. The proposed result system help hospitals determine if the patients care was successful. The results influenced future patient care. By 1917, the American College of Surgeons proposed a certification program for hospitals. The first minimum standards for hospitals were also developed in 1917.Very few hospitals met the proposed standards. By the 1953, the American College of Surgeons transformed their hospital certification program to the Joint Commission. The Joint Commission started accrediting hospitals in that same year. The Joint Commissions sponsors included the American College of Physicians, the American Hospital Association, and the American medical Association (The Joint Commission, 2010). Through the years, many notable changes were made, including the accreditation program for all health care organizations. Standards were developed for every accreditation program and updated each year. In 1987, the Joint Commission organization changed to the Joint commission on Accreditation of Health care Organizations (JCAHO) to reflect the organization’s mission. During the 1990s the organization focused on performance improvement and measurement outcomes. By the early 2000s, the Joint Commission designed pathways that focused on improving the accreditation process and establishing goals for improving the patient safety and quality of care. Source and Scope of Authority The Joint Commissions main source of authority is governed by the Board of Commissioners that consists of a diverse group of health care experts. The corporate members include the American College of Physicians, the American College of Surgeons, the American Dental Association, the American Hospital Association, and the American Medical Association. The Joint commission also works closely with Congress to improve the quality and safety of health care (The Joint Commission, 2010). Structure The structure of the Joint commission is made of a diverse group of health care experts that seek to improve health care services. The Joint Commission’s Board of Commissioners and the corporate members collaborate on setting standards and requirement for health care organizations for improving health care and safety practices within the United States. The Joint Commission has set multiple standards for different health care programs. The standards and requirements must be approved by the Board of Commissioners. The Joint Commission also consists of several board committees’ that have specific areas of interest, such as executive, accreditation, performance measurement, standards, survey procedures. The Joint Commission also has a Board of directors who help provide consults to health care and focuses on global accreditation. The board members also serve as liaisons to many groups and committees that are affiliated with the Joint commission (The Joint Commission, 2010). Day-To-Day Responsibilities The responsibilities of the Joint Commission are to set standards to help improve the quality of health care services and provide safety guidelines for health care organizations. Their mission as a nonprofit organization is to continuously improve health care (The Joint Commission, 2010). The Joint Commission accredits and certifies health care organizations by surveying facilities to ensure health care standards, performance measurements, safety guidelines have been implemented and carried out for better patient. The Joint commission sets standards and guidelines in compliance with federal laws to evaluate health care services. Health care organizations generally volunteer to seek accreditations from the Joint Commission by allowing expert surveyors evaluate their facility. The surveyors are made up of a multi-disciplinary team that spends an average of two days inspecting health care facilities. The purpose for the inspection is to evaluate a health care facilities standards, staff, regulations, policies and procedures, and quality improvement, and performance measurement. The Joint Commission surveyors generally look to see if the organizations governing board is taking part in ensuring that the facilities has facilitated safety and quality assurance program. In order for a health care organization to qualify for an accreditation, they must certain requirements. The requirements that health care facilities must meet before applying for an accreditation are, the organization must be located the United States and governed under the United States government, the facility works on improving quality of care, the facility has an indication of services provided, the facility addresses the standards set by the Joint Commission, the facility meets the requirements Medicare and Medicaid. Other responsibilities of the Joint Commission are to strengthen the safety of patients and build the trust and confidence of communities. The Joint Commission is constantly addressing specific areas to help hospitals improve their performance measurement. Effects on Health Care The Joint Commission has a direct effect on the health care system. The standards developed by the Joint Commission help health care organizations improve their care they provide. An accreditation from the Joint Commission is a seal of approval that is an indication to patients that the health care facility focuses on quality care and the safety of their patients. According to Ernest, (2009, p.48) â€Å"evaluating healthcare organizations and inspiring them to excel in providing safe and effective care of the highest quality value†, However, Ernest, (2009, p.48) also argues that The Joint Commission has placed the needs of the facility it inspects above those of their patients. This is an indication that some of the standards set are burdensome to health care organizations and deemed unnecessary. According to (Doctors lash out, 2007), JCAHO requirements that become implemented are sometimes at odds with the real needs of patients even though they are supposedly driven to en sure patient safety. They take control away from the physician/nurse-patient relationship where it should be. Example of Agency Carrying out Duties An example of an agency carrying out its duties would be the Joint Commission and their mission to improve the health care and safety for patients. Health Care organizations, such as hospitals must comply with federal and state laws to protect the health and safety of their patients. A hospital that provides different services must meet the regulations and standards set for each service provided. The duties are carried out play a role in governments funding toward health care, such as Medicare and Medicaid. These government funded programs set certain standards that hospitals and other health care organizations must adhere to in order to qualify for reimbursement. The Joint Commission has set standards that must be carried out by health care organizations compositions, structure, and daily functions. Basically, a health care organization must carry out their duties because of the responsibility that encompasses the health care system a whole. Conclusion The Joint Commission is a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to improving the quality of health care and the safety of all patients. Their mission is to continuously improve the health care services within the United States. The Joint Commission has helped improve the quality of health care and how it’s delivered through a series of standards and regulations that health care organizations must comply with in order to meet the accreditation that symbolizes excellence in health care delivery. Through much collaboration with a diverse team, health care and health care safety will continue to improve through the ongoing effort and dedication from the Joint Commission.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Bilingual Education :: Politics
The issue of bilingual education is a much debated topic in this country and especially in this state. The Spanish-speaking populace has grown tremendously in these past decades, much of which has immigrated with Spanish as their only language. This has left the public school system with an interesting problem; how to successfully transition Spanish speaking students into an English environment. Public school systems have generally adopted one of two approaches to this problem. One is to allow students several years to develop their English with lessons taught in both languages. The other is a total immersion program where students are thrust into English-only lessons with little time develop their second language. Both approaches have ardent followers with valid arguments for each approach. In immersion programs children are allowed at most one year of English study before being placed in main-stream English-only classes. Proponents of this sink-or-swim approach often site the success of their forbearers who learned English without schools trying to accommodate them with native-language classes. Immersion proponents also cite the fact that the bilingual approach creates a cultural segregation of students. The English language is a tool of national unity, they point out. Supporters of immersion also question the success of students in bilingual education programs. They argue that students never really learn English and instead fall into using the native language all through school. They also site studies that show test scores higher in schools with immersion programs than in school that favor a bilingual approach. The approach of bilingual education is to allow students to study and learn in their native language while they master their understanding of the English language over three to six years. The argument is that it makes sense that a teacher would want to teach a child in a language they understand until they have fully mastered their second language. Supporters also have their studies to quote. In 1998-1999, for the third year in a row, students learning in a bilingual education program scored higher in English reading and comprehension than students enrolled in immersion programs according to the Arizona Department of Education. Opponents to English immersion cite the massive increase of high school dropouts since California passed statewide initiative for all public schools to adopt immersion only programs. Bilingual supporters also note that most students are mainstreamed after just three years of bilingual education while immersion students are often held in immersion program s two to three years longer than the one year term.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Dracula :: essays research papers
Dracula, by Bram Stoker, is a classic tale of Gothicism. Traditionally, gothic tales only carried single theme of horror. Through Dracula, Stoker breaks this single theme barrier. The theme throughout Dracula is clearly displayed through the characters as they step from ignorance to realization in this tale of horror. Â Â Â Â Â The theme of ignorance is vital for this story. It is woven throughout and evident in all the characters. It is first displayed through the protagonist, John Harker. It is his innate lack of knowing that puts him in a deadly situation: “Do you know that to-night, when the clock strikes midnight, all the evil in the world will have full sway? Do you know where you are going, and what you are doing?'; (5) This was the protagonist, Jonathan Harker’s second encounter with strangers, in a strange land, in which he was confronted in this manner. He had three such encounters, all of which he nonchalantly dismissed. During his first encounter, the people simply refused to answer any of his questions. In his third encounter, strangers made the sign of a cross and pointed at him. During all of this, Jonathan had no clue why these people were acting in this strange way, nor did he have a notion to question why. Even though he is oblivious to the reasons for their behavior, he blindly continues on the path the strangers warned him not to go on. Another depiction of this ignorance is shown through Dr. Seward and Dr. Van Helsing as they work on a patient, Lucy Westerna. After the doctors diagnosed Lucy as being “somewhat'; bloodless and the pricks on neck were discovered, they immediately dismissed the idea of the pricks being the cause of this loss of blood. “It at once occurred to me that this wound, or whatever it was might be the means for this manifest loss of blood; but I abandoned the idea as soon as formed, for such a thing could not be.'; (131) These doctors had knowledge, but their own ignorance interfered even though all the signs of what was going on were clear. Â Â Â Â Â It is when Stoker allows his characters to step to realization that the story heightens. Jonathan is only enlightened to realization after his ignorance has completely thrust him into a life threatening situation: “I started for it amazed me that I had not seen him, since the reflection of the glass covered the whole of the room behind me.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Infection caused by bacteria
Infection are spread through different means : Stool Contact with blood Sneezing and coughing Airborne disease Contaminated objects Direct physical contact The methods to reduce the spread of infection Make sure that everyone clean their hand before and after having the meal, visiting the toilet and changing nappies with soap and water Make sure that all the toys and quipment used for child are safe and clean Throw away food that has gone bad Keep the surrounding clean Keep the kitchen neat and tidy Standard methods of washing hands : hand washing is the best way to prevent germs from spreading and to keep ourselves from getting sick .Good hand washing is the first line of defense against the spread of many illnesses, from the common cold to more serious illnesses such as meningitis, , influenza, hepatitis A, and most types of infectious diarrhoea. Some infections are caught when other people's dirty hands touch the food we eat. Hands and wrists should be washed with clean soap and w ater, using a brush if your fingernails are dirty.We should Dry our hands with something clean, such as paper towels or hot air dryers Identify when personal protective equipment should be used : Personal protective equipment (PPE) is special gear which is use to protect the wearer from specific hazards of a hazardous substance. PPE includes gloves, respiratory protection, eye protection, and protective clothing.Gloves should be worn whenever the possibility of skin contact with hazardous chemicals exists. When the possibility of chemical contamination exists, protective clothing, which resists physical and chemical hazards, should be worn. gloves should be changed whenever they become contaminated with the chemical. Make sure to check for pinholes before use, wash or decontaminate gloves before removing, and wash hands after removing.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Passage from Mark Twains The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Research Paper Example
Passage from Mark Twains The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Research Paper Example Passage from Mark Twains The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Paper Passage from Mark Twains The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Paper it makes it easier for us to believe that it is Huck an uneducated young man that is telling the story, instead of Mark Twain himself. This does not mean that Mark Twains own personality and opinions do not shine through. Huckleberry Finns naivety and lack of education make him the perfect tool for Twain, who uses him to poke fun at various aspects of 19th-century American society. In the extract, Huck is marvelling at the quality of Emmeline Grangerfords poetry, saying [i]f Emmeline Grangerford could make poetry like that before she was fourteen, there aint no telling what she could a done by-and-by. Earlier in chapter XVII, the reader is served a sample of Emmelines poetry, the Ode to Stephen Dowling Bots, Decd. , which is mediocre at best, and incredibly melodramatic. It becomes obvious that while Hucks admiration is genuine, Twain is being satirical and holds that kind of literature in contempt. The character of Emmeline Grangerford is based on a poet called Julia A. Moore (Hess: 2003a; Blair: 1996). Moore was known as the sweet singer of Michigan and wrote dreadful poetry. When Huck says she could write about anything you choose to give her about, just so it was sadful, it is an obvious reference to Julia Moore. Some of Moores subjects of choice were deaths of neighbours, deaths of neighbours children, heroic soldiers being killed in the Civil War (Blair: 1996) Mark Twain counted Moore amongst his favourite poets because she was always able to make him laugh. She tried very hard to make her poems as sad and tragic as possible, but in the end, they turned out funny, just as Emmelines tributes did. Twain is not only making fun of Julia Moore: he is attacking the whole movement of romanticism. Romantic gothic works such as Edgar Allan Poes poetry and Washington Irvings The Legend of Sleepy Hollow were popular in Victorian America. Death and mourning were subjects that were often written about in Romantic literature, and were treated in an overdramatic, histrionic manner. Emmeline Grangerfords horrible poetry serves as a caricature of Romantic literature and shows how Mark Twain really felt about it. Twain was more of a realistic writer, and preferred to describe events and people as they truly were. His use of the vernacular, which I have mentioned earlier, amplifies the feeling of reality the reader gets while reading The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Romantic literary works were written in a very formal style, with many superfluous adjectives and adverbs. Twain cuts out anything unneeded, and focuses instead on the storyline, on dialogues, and on the relationships between characters. At one point in the extract, Huck says that after once, Emmeline hung fire (hesitated) on a rhyme in one of her tributes. Because of this, the undertaker got to the dead body before her, and Emmeline arnt ever the same, after that; she never complained, but she kind of pined away and did not live long. Emmeline used too much time on her poem and she could not recite it in front of the dead person. Twain is insinuating that this made her so upset that it killed her. This can mean two things: either that Emmeline was extremely narcissistic, or that she was too sensitive for her own good. It seems like Twain is using Emmeline to represent the mass of Romantic authors. One can probably assume that he is accusing Romantic writers of taking themselves, and life, too seriously. Later in the passage, Huck feels sorry that Emmeline does not have her own tribute, and tries to write a couple of verses about Emmeline. For some reason, he [can]t seem to make it go somehow. It is evident that Huck feels very sorry for Emmeline, and truly cares about her and her family: I liked all that family, dead ones and all, and warnt going to let anything come between us. I believe that Mark Twain is saying that Romantic writers are phony, or, at least, writing about fake emotions. Hucks feelings about the Grangerfords are genuine. The naivety and childlikeness of Huck do not allow him to pretend he is feeling anything he is not, and therefore, he cannot write anything like Emmelines poetry. Huck also mentions that Emmelines pictures had been aggravating him, something which further proves that Huck is definitely not a Romantic. He is horrified at the macabre elements in Emmelines art. The Romantic movement was very present in Victorian America, and not only in literature. When Huck says: The neighbors said it was the doctor first, then Emmeline, then the undertaker Twain is really telling the reader about the attitude a lot of people had about death around that time. In Puritan America (17th-18th century), people welcomed death, because it was a way out of the hardships of life. On the other hand, they feared its consequences: death was a passageway into a world which could be immeasurably better, or, if one were not among the chosen ones, unbearably worse. (Hess: 2003b) In the 19th century, the Romantic movement came to America from Europe, and people started seeing death in a very different way. By reading Romantic literature, people became increasingly fascinated with death and the mystery that surrounds it. Death was a big part of these peoples lives, and they confronted it head-on. Taking pictures of dead people in their coffins was extremely common in America in the 19th century (Hess: 2003c). Emmeline is a product of her time: she wishes to see death, to write about it, and to draw pictures about it (as described earlier in Chapter XVII). Therefore, when somebody dies, she is very quick to arrive on the scene. It is not specified how long ago Emmeline died, but the family is obviously still in mourning: They kept Emmelines room trim and nice and all the things fixed in it just the way she liked to have them when she was alive, and nobody ever slept there. Mourning was a very important part of life in Victorian America, and would last for years (Hess: 2003d). Twain seems to be writing about this to further define the Grangerfords as Romantics. Huck touches on the subject of slavery near the end of the passage. He mentions that the Grangerfords own many slaves, and also that the old lady Grangerford spends a lot of time reading her Bible in Emmelines room. Mark Twain is drawing attention to a paradox: how can slave owners consider themselves Christians, when they are buying and selling human beings as if they were animals? Huck seems oblivious to this contradiction, at least for the time being. He is casually stating facts, and does not seem disturbed by them. He is even wondering why the niggers do not clean Emmelines room. This may seem strange to the reader, since Hucks best friend is a runaway slave. I think that Twain is denouncing the indifference of the American people to slavery. It is so common to own slaves in the South before the Civil War that most White people fail to see the great injustice that is being done. HReligion was central in Victorian America, and people prided themselves on attending Church regularly and being able to recite passages of the Bible. Yet many of these people owned slaves, and throughout the whole novel, Twain shows the reader many Christians doing ungodly acts. By doing so, he is attacking hypocritical Christians. He is saying that Christianity is not about keeping up appearances, but about doing onto others as you would have them do onto you. In the last paragraph of the extract, Huck resumes describing the parlour, something he had started to do earlier in Chapter XVII. Huck has never really lived in a house, apart from the Widow Douglas house, which was simple and sparsely furnished. Therefore, Huck is really impressed at the Grangerfords house, which is lavishly decorated, with beautiful curtains and pictures of castles with vines all down the walls . Mark Twain is deliberately making the Grangerfords house look as tacky as possible, to mock the Victorians taste. It was typical for people at that time to pretend they were wealthier than they really were, by decorating their homes in an exaggerated manner, with objects that seemed expensive. They did so because they aspired to a higher status in society. Twain is poking fun at this, and implying that they are not fooling anybody, except very naive people such as Huckleberry Finn. In conclusion, this passage deals with a lot of important subjects, such as slavery and religion. These are also approached in other chapters. The main theme in this particular extract is Romanticism and Twains dislike of it. Twain is using the naive, wide-eyed Huckleberry Finn to mock the 19th-century American society and its exaggerated emotionalism. He is suggesting that this society is phony and that Huck is probably better off uncivilised. To make Huck more credible as an uneducated and young narrator, Twain writes in a Southern vernacular dialect. This also makes The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn stand out from other literary works published in the 19th century, which were written in a much more formal kind of American English.
Monday, October 21, 2019
A List of Typical Special Ed. Accommodations
A List of Typical Special Ed. Accommodations Individualized accommodations are put in place to help learners at risk and students with special needs to have success in their IEP or academic program. Typically, accommodations are listed in the students IEP. Here is a list of suggestions for accommodations for a variety of disabilities: Try cross ability grouping. Create a group of typical peers who can support the student with the special education. Provide photocopied notes (or a study guide) to eliminate the students with IEPs frustration and difficulty with hand-eye coordination, requiring copying from the board. Make use of Graphic Organizers.Provide organization tips and meet with parents to show them how to use the strategies to support their students at home.Simplify and declutter. If your classroom is cluttered, it creates distractions that create barriers to students success. They find disorienting. So, declutter and help students keep their work areas or desks organized. Provide time management tips and skills. Sometimes it helps to have sticky notes on the students desk to remind the student of how much time they have to complete tasks.Tracking sheets. Provide a tracking sheet of agenda where students will write expected assignments for the week/day.Keep lessons concrete. Use visual and concrete materials as much as possible. Use assistive technology when available.Find students buddies and model for them how to support the student with disabilities without over functioning for the student. Keep instructions and directions chunked. Provide one step at a time, dont overload the student on too many pieces of information at once.Color code items. For instance, put some red tape on a math textbook along with red tape on the math notebook. Color code items that help the child with organization tips and that provide information about what is needed.Make sure there are visual clues around the room to prompt appropriate behavior and academic activities. Provide extra time for the processing of information.Larger size font is sometimes helpful.Provide auditory supports to limit the amount of text the student is required to read. Give repetition and clarification regularly.Provide close proximity to the teacher.Seat the child away from distractions whenever possible. Think critically about seating arrangem ents.Provide reminders on the desk - taped 100s charts, number lines, vocabulary lists, word bank lists taped alphabets for printing or writing etc. Provide a study carrel or alternate place to work for specific tasks.Provide scribing or a peer for scribing when necessary or utilize the speech to text software applications.Give ongoing feedback.Pay close attention to lighting, sometimes preferential lighting can make a world of difference.Provide a chillax area, a quiet location to enable the student to chill out or relax.Provide headphones to remove extraneous noises.Let the child provide oral responses instead of written where appropriate to demonstrate an understanding of the concept.Provide time extensions as necessary. Be selective when determining the accommodations that will best help the student. If the accommodations dont work after a specified period of time, try something else. Remember, the IEP is a working document and its success will depend on how closely the contents are implemented, monitored and revised to meet the students needs.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Lead Time Management in Garment Sector Essay Example
Lead Time Management in Garment Sector Essay Example Lead Time Management in Garment Sector Essay Lead Time Management in Garment Sector Essay 2000). Lead-time typically includes two components: Information lead times (i. e. , the time it takes to process an order) and Order lead times (i. e. , the time it takes to produce and ship the item). Information lead time can be reduced by using very sophisticated and modern communication system while Order lead time can be reduced through efficient supply chain management (Simchi-Levi, David, 2000) A researcher named Marc Smith explained lead time in two ways (www. lsmar. com, 2004). First, Customer lead time, which refers to the time span between customer ordering and customer receipt. Second, Manufacturing lead time, which refers to the time span from material availability at the first processing operation to completion at the last operation. In his paper Marc Smith developed theories for the reduction of lead time in the equipment manufacturing company specially in vehicle manufacturing company. It is also applicable to the RMG sector. In the lead time reduction process, Lead Time Management in the Garment Sector of Bangladesh: An Avenues for Survival and Growth 20 identifying the beginning of the process and walking through the process is very important. In the RMG sector after order confirmation the process begins by sending information to the suppliers for raw materials (fabrics + accessories) and the process run through shipment of final product and received by the buyers. The whole of this process is comprised of the following steps order submission, scheduling sequencing, manufacturing and distribution. A manufacturer may be able to reduce lead time by taking some strategic measures in all of these four stages. From the above theory it is clear that the total lead time is customer lead time. Therefore we can write that; Customer lead time = [{Information lead time} + {Order lead time}] Total lead time = [{Information lead time} + {(manufacturing lead time) + (shipping time for import fabrics) + (Shipping time for export final product)} (Note that, Shipping time for import includes shipping time, unloading time and transport time from port to manufacturing point. Shipping time for export includes manufacturing time for final products and shipping time for export) Objective of the study The purpose of the present study is about analysing the present situation specially of the lead time management in the present business process of RMG export from Bangladesh. In view of the above purpose the specific objective of the study is to focus on reducing the lead time in relation to the business process and supply chain management. However the objectives of this study are; 1) To analyse the order lead time management process and 2) To develop a new business process to minimization of lead time Research Methodology The study is based absolutely on primary data. The primary data have been collected through free discussion and interviews with the key personnel of different company. Primary data have been collected from 50 Bangladeshi RMG units including 5 leading garment factories of Dhaka City on the basis of structured questionnaire designed in the light of the objective of the study. In this study the sample units have been selected randomly but 5 leading factories purposively. Interviews have been taken from Managing Directors, Managers and other officials of the merchandise department. Secondary data were also collected from some reports, articles, various stuffs that were provided by the companies. Collected literature, data and information have been analyzed in line with the objectives of the study. In this study conceptually developed some model, Lead time measurement equation have been used. As a real example, business process of a sample company has been discussed with the lead time measurement equation. Qualitative research method and various statistical tools like averages, percentages, growth rate etc. have been used in this study to interpret and analyze the collected data in the descriptive way. Findings and Analysis The RMG industry of Bangladesh still plays the role of tailor in the garments business. The required fabrics and limited accessories till now come from abroad. The industry is heavily dependent on imports and had to spend about 55-75 days to import fabrics from abroad (Nuruzzaman, 2007). This backdrop is the main reason for long lead time. Bangladesh garment export in volume is increasing @ 15-20 percent for the last 20 years, whereas Bangladesh RMG are depending only on Chittagong port (Nuruzzaman, 2007). The facilities of Chittagong port have not increased at the same rate. The containers kept stuck up in the port and 621 Nuruzzaman and Ahasanul Haque many containers remain jammed for 15-20 days, which is required to be released within three days. If the raw materials remain idle in the container at Chittagong port for 10-15 days, the garment industry would definitely face a serious negative impact (Kutubuddin Ahmed, 2002). According to an estimate, it takes about four days for goods to reach Chittagong from Singapore. But in a very sharp contrast, it takes about 18 to 19 days or nearly three weeks on average for the same goods to travel to the inland container depot (ICD) at Kamalapur in Dhaka. Besides the dilatory and cumbersome customs procedure and port operations also significantly delay the movement or release of goods. In Chittagong port it takes about 6 days to unload goods from a ship whereas for the same goods it takes just few hours in Singapore (M. Taheruddin,2004). About port management Mr. Anisul Haque, MD of Mohammadi group and former president of BGMEA stated,â€Å" Unfortunately we are spending 15-20 days to receive our fabrics from sea port to our factory and it is playing the main role to increase lead time†. Again to find out the probable causes of long lead time and for the empirical analysis 50 firms including 5 leading garments units have been chosen to collect primary data. They mentioned many causes behind this problem when interviews were taken but in the interview 100% i. e. f the 36 number respondents (Though 50 firms were chosen but 36 firms were interviewed successfully) put their comment on import dependency as a most important cause for increased lead time. Then 91. 66% i. e. 33 respondents on CBW, 75% i. e. 27 respondents on inefficient port management, 69. 44% i. e. 25 respondents on poor infrastructure and 41. 66% i. e. 15 respondents on communication system respectively. The same causes were ident ified in our analysis based on secondary data. This fact enhances the credibility of our findings. At the time of interview, the Managing Director of A. K. J. Fashions limited divided the lead time into three stages as it is illustrated in fig. -3. First stage, from P-Q (Fabrics suppliers – Sea port) the approximate lead time for the first stage is 40-55 days including the manufacturing time of fabrics, then from Q-R (Sea port Manufacturer) the approximate lead time for the second stage is 15-20 days and at last from RMG (Manufacturer Buyer) the approximate lead time for the last stage is 35-45 days. Figure 3: Basic Supply chain of Bangladeshi RMG Industries P Raw material Suppliers Source: Nuruzzaman, 2007 Q Sea Port R Manufacturers M Buyers The present estimated time from point Q to point R is unnecessary. Here the main task is unloading the container and carry it to the manufacturing point. The total procedure can be done by only 2 or 3 days through efficient management in port and good transportation system. But due to inefficiency of port management and poor transportation system it takes 15 to 20. From the above observation it is clear to us that, just for import of raw materials Bangladeshi manufacturers are forced to spend 55-75 days more. So import dependency for fabrics is the main reason of longer lead time. In the present analysis mainly the â€Å"Order lead time†(see the Lead time theory) will be considered and will be shown how can we reduce that time by an appropriate supply chain management. The manufacturers were asked a number of questions emphasizing this theme, how inefficient management in the chain can affect lead-time, and also what the consequences can be. In the interview when it was asked, all the manufacturers responded, order lead time is the main factor behind the lead time problem in the RMG sector. We can reduce maximum. 30 days by taking proper step in the supply chain. Most of the manufacturers responded that lead-time can be influenced if the buyer make contract with the raw material suppliers before giving final order to the manufacturers and if the government bodies take proper measures to increase efficiency at sea port. The Managing Director of Azmat Group stated, â€Å"We generally place order to the fabric suppliers after final contract Lead Time Management in the Garment Sector of Bangladesh: An Avenues for Survival and Growth 622 with the buyers and count 15-20 days to make fabrics. This manufacturing lead time can be reduced by the help of buyers or buying house. They can make ready their required fabrics at first and then they can make contract with us. As such we need not waste 15-20 days for the required fabrics. †Some manufacturers pointed out two main points responsible to increase lead time i. e. shipping time and unloading procedure at port. Some other manufacturers pointed out the poor infrastructure in railway and road transport to move their materials from port to manufacturers factory. They all believe that order lead-time can be reduced if government authorities take proper steps o increase the efficiency of the port and develop the rail and road transport. It seems that the respondents have different but almost same opinions on this issue. A manufacturer, K. M. Fashions Ltd. , expressed his opinion in a more logical way and stated, â€Å"To reduce lead-time effectively we have to reduce import dependency as soon as possible. Immediately we can reduce 30-40% lead time only by proper and efficient management in the supply c hain. †The largest RMG manufacturer Opex group responded, Lead time is generally 90-120 days for the woven garments. But immediately we can reduce 30% of lead time through proper management in supply chain during import of fabrics and 15% would be possible by only developing port facilities. If we develop our textile sector and procure fabrics from the local market we can reduce 60% of total lead time. For the knitwear garments we procure all raw materials from the local market so there is no lead time problem in the Knitwear garments sector. From the above discussion, it appears that the manufacturers of RMG sector mainly face order lead time problem and this problem occurred in the supply chain due to inefficient management. Time consumed in the first four steps in the supply chain is the basic reasons for increasing lead time. It is possible to reduce a major portion of order lead time by improving the other three areas namely, communication, port management and transport management in the supply chain. We can get a clear idea about lead time in the supply chain by considering the equation of lead time and put average estimated time collected from the interviews for each step. We know that; Total lead time = [{Information lead time}+ {(Order lead time)}] Or, = [{Information lead time} + {(time to manufacturing fabrics) + (time to shipment of fabrics)+(time to unloading fabrics and customs formalities at port) + (time to take fabrics from port to manufacturing point) + (time to sample approval and production of final product)+ Time to shipment or export of final products)}] Or, 120 = [{7} + {(15)+ (25)+(14)+(6) + (23)+(30)}] From the above equation, we can say that through the first four stages a manufacturer received fabrics from the suppliers after 60 days on average. Out of this the shipping time of 25 days is constant. There is no chance to reduce this shipping time but we can reduce the rest 35 days. There are two parties and various activities involved between suppliers and manufacturers in the supply chain. It can be seen in the fig. -4 broadly. The activities and time consumption area have been illustrated here through four boxes (A-D) or stages. Figure 4: Lead-time and fabrics importing process A B C D Manufacturin Suppliers Manufacturing g fabrics Shipping time (Receive order time shipment of fabrics) Unloading Manufacturer Unloading fabrics at sea s plant/ transportation time port warehouse Source: Nuruzzaman, 2007 623 Nuruzzaman and Ahasanul Haque After final contract with the buyers, manufacturers first place order to the foreign fabrics supplier (A). Then the supplier manufactures fabrics (B) and send fabrics by shipment. After a certain time the ship reaches at the port (C). Here after unloading and completing some custom formalities fabrics are sent through train or road transport to the manufacturers production-plant/warehouse (D). For this total process from A-D manufacturers need 55-75 days. At the time of import a proper management in the supply chain can reduce 30-35 days. The rest of the time of 25-35 days is needed only for shipment. It is known from the interview that most of the buyers have no regional offices in Dhaka. These are either in Bangkok or Singapore. One of the largest European garment sub-contractors based in Dhaka is Hennes Mauritaz (HM) from Sweden (Asia invest, p-11, Sector 4. ). The regional offices and the buyers resident in Dhaka can build a stock of the required quality of fabrics in advance before making final contract with the manufacturers. It will definitely reduce the manufacturing time. Again the proper and efficient management at port and good transportation system can reduce time to receive raw materials from port to manufacturing plants. But if we avoid fabric import altogether then we can reduce 55-75 days from the total lead time and we will be able to assure export of RMG products by 45-60 days regularly. Landmark group is a leading garment manufacturer in the knitwear sector of Bangladesh. It states, we do not face lead time problem for our RMG products. We generally take 45-60 days to export our product because we need not to spend any time to import raw materials. We procure all knit fabrics and accessories from the local market. Therefore in conclusion we can say that by efficient supply chain management we can reduce 29% of total lead time. But to survive in the competition we have to reduce lead time by minimum 50% and we can reduce 55-60% of total lead time by avoiding import and abolishing import dependency attitude. Analysis the lead time management of a model Company (Sharmin Group) The company’s some successful and unsuccessful business process with different buyers have been analysed here to have a clear idea about the way to minimisation of lead time. Generally, after getting final order, the company collects fabrics as per buyers direction from the foreign suppliers. After collection of fabrics they prepare sample as per design. Then after approval of the sample the company goes for mass production and shipment to the buyers. To complete the whole process the company generally takes about 90-120 days but sometimes for some buyers it takes about 110-140 days. There are also some buyers who complete the whole process by only 50-60 days. The company takes 45-50 days in all to approve the sample and finish the production following the sample approval process. We can see the sample approval flow chart in the fig. -1 of Appendix-1. Some buyers like BMB Apparels follows this sample approval flow chart, but most of the buyers even follow shorter processes. The interview was taken very closely with the Managing Director of Sharmin Group. At the time of interview he was found scared for the possible awful situation in the post MFA period. He stated, we have all but just for want of fabrics we are going to face stiff competition. What he said about the business operations of the company could be summerised as follows. After getting the final order, the company communicates with the suppliers through e-mail and over telephone. For this task the company spend few days. Mr. Hossain said that they were not worried about the information lead time. They generally take 5-7 days for this process. He said, â€Å"In the garment business suppliers are not permanent, we had to communicate with one or more suppliers for fabrics in time after getting final order. A good numbers of accessories are procured from the local market. So e-mail and telephonic communication are sufficient for the RMG companies. At the time of interview it was gathered that the company was facing problem mainly in the supply chain i. e. order lead time for importing fabrics. The company, Sharmin group also faces problem in the sample approval process. In the supply chain the company had to spend 45 days on an Lead Time Management in the Garment Sector of Bangladesh: An Avenues for Survival and Growth 624 average which is not negligible . Again, the sample approval process is also cumbersome. It takes enough time and thus contributes to increase lead time problem. Mr. Hossain expressed that the company could reduce a certain portion of lead time by taking some appropriate measures but 60% of lead time can be reduced by avoiding import dependency and by considering alternative source of fabrics supply. In Fig. -2 of appendix-1 the estimated time can be seen at different stages of the manufacturing process of Sharmin group. The estimated time was shown according to the information delivered by the Managing Director of Sharmin Group. Most of the buyers follow in this process to purchase garments from this company. At the time of our discussion on the present situation of the RMG business, Managing Director of this company told us that he was afraid for the post MFA period. The company was certainly going to lose its business due to long lead time in the post MFA period. He urged that immediately we should take some proper measures to reduce lead time. At the time of interview it has been informed that the company was doing business successfully with a European company where lead time was in between 45 to 60 days. It is the competitive lead time in the RMG sector of Bangladesh. In the figure-2 of Appendix-1 total business process of Sharmin group has been visualised through A-F stages. From this figure we can get clear information about the estimated time in six different stages like, A-B, B-C, C-D, D-E, E-F and from F to Buyers. The total lead time in this process for Sharmin group is 120-140. There is a buyer named BMB Apparels doing business with Sharmin. It strictly follows 100% of the sample approval flow chart the RMG business process like the figure-12 (see appendix-1). Therefore its average lead time is 130 days. But the other buyers like JC Penny, American Eagle do not maintain the sample approval flow chart of fig. -1(Appendix-1). They approve sample in a normal procedure and spend 5-10 days for approval. In this case they take help from local office or local agent. Therefore their average lead time is in between 90-120 days. At present the company is doing business successfully with Corona maintaining a minimum lead time. In this regard Mr. Hossain urged, â€Å"we have to consider this success story with the buyer like Corona and find ways and means to deliver garments product to the buyer by 45-60 days†. When asked for the reasons for the success in the business to the Managing Director, opined his success is mainly due to the procurement of fabrics from the local market. The buyer Corona at first makes their fabrics ready then contact with the manufacturer for order placement. The buyer takes just one or two days for sample approval. As a result the company is able to cut down the lead time by about 60-70 days. According to the figure-2 (Appendix-1), the average information lead time is 6 days and the average order lead time is 129 days for the Sharmin group. So reduction of order lead time is the crux of lead time problem. Out of 129 days, in the supply chain, total average lead time is 52 days. By taking some proper measures like making fabrics available in advance, developing inland transportation system, improving management efficiency at port etc. , it is possible to reduce about 23 days in B, C, D and E stages of supply chain. In the supply chain the rest of the time is for shipment. The company can cut down this time only by avoiding import. It is also possible to reduce 30 days in sample approval process by adopting normal sample approval process performed by other buyers or by encouraging the buyers to open a local office in Bangladesh. Considering the equation of lead time and putting value in that equation three types of buyer of this company can be analysed. First time we are considering BMB apparels from UK. We know that; Total lead time = [{Information lead time}+ {(Order lead time)}] Or, = [{Information lead time} + {(fabrics manufacturing time) + (fabrics shipment time)+ (unloading and transportation time) + (sample approval and production time of garments product)+ (shipment time for export of final products)}] = [{6}+ {(11) + (24) +(12)+(35+12)+(30)}] So, total average lead time = 130 days In this study for the BMB buyer, manufacturers order lead time is 124 days. In the supply chain the company spends totally (11+24+12) = 47 days for import of fabrics where 20 days can be saved. 625 Nuruzzaman and Ahasanul Haque Time for the last two stages is common for all manufacturers. Here manufacturer spends (47+30) = 67 days where maximum time is consumed by sample approval. The company spends about 35 days for sample approval process for this buyer. It is unusual. So here sample approval process is the main reason for increasing lead time. Secondly, the buyer JC Penny from USA has been considered. For this buyer, Total lead time = [{Information lead time}+ {(Order lead time)}] Or, = [{Information lead time} + {(time to manufacturing fabrics) + (time to shipment of fabrics)+(time to unloading fabrics and customs formalities at port) + (time to take fabrics from port to manufacturing point) + (time to sample approval and production of final product)+ shipment time to export of final products)}] = [{6} + {(12)+ (25)+(14)+(6) + (23)+(30)}] So, total average lead time = 116 days Now form the above calculation it is clear that doing business with the buyer JC Penny, USA, manufacturers order lead time is 110 days. In the supply chain the company spends totally (12+25+14+6) = 56 days for importing fabrics where about 24 days can be reduced. Times for the last two stages are common to all manufacturers. Here manufacturer spends (23+30) = 53 days. Where maximum 10 days is spent for sample approval. It is a normal process. So in the above calculations it has been observed that the four values as underlined above are the principal reasons for the increase of lead time. Thirdly has been considered the buyer of ‘Corona’ from Italy. For this buyer, Total lead time = [{Information lead time}+ {(Order lead time)}] Or, = [{Information lead time} + {(time to sample approval and production of final product)+ (shipment time to export of final products)}] = [{1}+ (17)+(30)}] So, total average lead time = 48 days. Here in this case the manufacturer does not have to import fabrics for Corona. The buyer himself supplies fabrics from their own textile mill located in Bangladesh. For this reason the order lead time is only 47 days. After getting order the company spends totally 48 days in the supply chain to export final products to the buyer. In this case as there is no need to import of fabrics the RMG company does not face any manufacturing lead time, transportation related problem and unloading related problem at port. Therefore the manufacturer does not have any problem in the supply chain. We know time required for the last two stages are common to all manufacturers. So there is no scope to reduce this time. Here buyer (Corona) communicates with the prospective manufacturer over telephone and takes the sample to the manufacturer physically and approves the sample within two/three days. For that reason information lead time and sample approval time are very minimal in the total lead time. From the above discussion and analysis of some buyer’s success and other failure in reducing lead time, one can draw a conclusion that if Sharmin group could avoid import and collect fabrics from the local market, the lead time would be between 45-60 days. It will be more competitive if the buyer would open a local office in Dhaka. This will minimise sample approval process. While integrating all the findings from the survey and the case study we can draw a conclusion that in the current RMG business manufacturers are facing lead time problem due to import dependency i. e. import of fabrics from foreign market. This problem is exacerbated due to inefficiency in the supply chain management. Lead time could be further reduced by taking some appropriate measures in manufacturing, unloading and transportation system but it does not help the manufacturer to be more competitive. If the manufacturers could find some alternative source of supply in the local market and collect fabrics locally. That will be more logical, appropriate and helpful in the direction of lead time reduction. Considering all the above analyses a new model of RMG business process has been proposed in fig. -7, which is expected to be helpful in reducing lead time. Lead Time Management in the Garment Sector of Bangladesh: An Avenues for Survival and Growth Figure 7: Proposed business process for RMG Industries in Bangladesh Buying house/ Buyers agent 626 Foreign buyers Local market Garments company (Manufacturer) Backward linkage industries Buyers own textile mills Order flow Collect raw materials Final product supply flow Information flow Conclusion The RMG sector of Bangladesh has entered in the quota free market after 2005. From that time this sector is in a very disadvantageous situation due to long lead time which has negative impact on export growth. Through analysis of empirical data it has been found that import dependency is the major bottleneck and it is the main factor for greater lead time. Just due to import of fabrics manufacturers are to count shipment time, unloading time, customs clearance time and transportation time from port to ICD( Inland container depot ) at Kamalapur, Dhaka. Import dependency arises out of the absence of sufficient backward linkage industry and for this reason a total additional 55-75 days are spent in the import process of fabrics by RMG sector of Bangladesh. As a result this sector is facing long lead time which is 90 to 130 days on the average. From the analysis it is clear that the impact of information lead time is very negligible on total lead time. It contributes only 6%. However, order lead-time has a great role to increase the lead time. By the analysis it was found that fabrics manufacturing time, shipping time, unloading time and transportation time are included in the order lead time. In conclusion considering the above analysis it has been found that import dependency is contributing 50% or more in the problem of long lead time and it is the main factor for the problem of long lead time in the RMG sector. Sample approval is another factor contributing for long lead time. The buyer from Italy for ‘Corona’ brand taking 48 days to complete all the process. It is the standard lead time to compete with the other manufacturer and exporter of the world. It becomes possible only for avoiding import of fabrics. For the buyer of Corona, manufacturer collects fabrics from the local market from their own textile. So, reduction of lead time is possible when the RMG sector ensure the availability of fabrics from the local market by developing backward linkage industry specially in the oven sector and by establishing textile mills by the buyer for their own consumption. 27 Nuruzzaman and Ahasanul Haque Azad, R. (2004), Readymade Garment Industry in Bangladesh: Competitiveness and sustainability, unpublished Ph. D. thesis, Dept. of Marketing, R. U. , Bangladesh. BGMEA research cell, BGMEA, BTMC Bhaban, 7-9, Kawranbazar, Dhaka. Charles J. 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Taheruddin (2004), Problems and prospects of Garment Industry, The Daily Ittefaq, Wednesday, 23rd June, Dhaka, Bangladesh, P- 10 Munir Quddus, Salim Rashid (2000), Entrepreneurs and Economic development- The Remarkable Story of Garment Exports from Bangladesh, The University Press Limited, Dhaka, Bangladesh, P (23-80). Nuruzzaman, Md. (2008), â€Å"Lead time reduction and the application of Process Management- A study on selected RMG units in Bangladesh†, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 10, June 2008, P-63 Nuruzzaman Md. (2007), Developing Export of RMG products in Bangladesh: Analysing the lead time†, Management Trends, Vol. , No. 1, P- 1 Nuruzzaman, Md. (2005), â€Å" Development of Readymade Garment Business (RMG) in the process of Lead Time reduction- A study on Bangladeshi Readymade Garment Sector†, Draft Master Thesis, GBS, Gothenburg University, Sweden Schary, Philip B. (2000), Managing the global supply chain, Indian edition, Viva books private limited, Delhi. Simchi-Levi, David, Kaminsky, Philip. and Simchi-Levi, Edith (2000), Designing and Managing the supply chain, McGraw-Hill international edition, Singapore. References [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] 12] [13] [14] [15] Lead Time Management in the Garment Sector of Bangladesh: An Avenues for Survival and Growth Internet source: http://elsmar. com/Lead_Time/tsld006. htm Retrieved on July 2004. 628 Appendix-1 Figure 1: Sample Approval Flow Chart Proto type Sample Green Seal Sample This should be made in the correct weight of material or knit. Requested by the QA/ Buying Office when an order is placed. The quality assurance team will make comments regarding fit and size. Also 1 meter of the intended bulk base fabric must be submitted for UK fibre content testing. Along with the completed test report request from stating the tests proposed for the style. Please note green seals will not be approved without the completed test request form Red Seal Sample A full size set in the correct base quality fabric and trims, in any available colour are requested in accordance to the critical path,(with enough time for a second remake to be made if necessary) before production commences. No samples are to be sent in substitute base fabrics. A full size set is required for all styles, but not all colours. Photo Samples and Presentation Samples The above samples must be a good representation of production in bulk fabric with correct details and trims( including labels). We require 2 samples per colour/style. Sizes to be confirmed by buyer. Press Samples Press samples will be required for ceretain styles and must be a good representation of production in bulk fabric, with correct details and trims(including labels). Sizes to be confirmed by buyer. Gold Seal Samples One sample of each colour in each size must be sent to the quality assurance team for the attention of the relevant technilogist. A minimum of 3 working days must be allowed for approval prior to shipment/despatch from factory. i. e. If 6 sizes and 5 colours, one samples of each size in each colour, and two sizes in the same colour. These need to be correct for style, size specification, fabric colour, trimming qualities and colours. Made to the correct manufacturing standards on the correct machinery. Mock Shop Samples Four samples per colourway, correctly packaged will be required with the gold seal samples for mock shop purposes, the buyer will confirm these. No shipment can be made without a signed certificate of relese from both the inspection team and buyers quality assurance department Repeats There is no requirements to obtain green red sealing samples for repeat purchases. However gold seals are required. Contract Placed Green Seal Sample Test request form to be completed Red Seal Sample Photo Press Sample Presentation Sample Gold Seal Samples original test reports. Approved certificate of release to be obtained Mock Shop Samples if required Inspection Shipping Source: constructed for this study based on interview 29 Figure: 2 Nuruzzaman and Ahasanul Haque A Manufacturer communicates with the suppliers Information time, 5-7 days Suppliers (Receive order of fabrics) Manufacturing time, 10-12 days Manufacturing fabrics shipment Shipment time, 2225 days Unloading fabrics at sea port transport to the Manufacturing point Unloading transportation time, 10-14 days Sample making, approval production Sample approval production time, 45-50 days B C D E F Shipment to the buyers Shipment time, 28-32 days Final destination Source: Constructed for this study Based on Interview
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Cancer Research Paper - 2
Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Cancer - Research Paper Example An early examination may reveal the disease on the first stage that will allow curing cancer. Different forms of breast cancer cause different symptoms. For example, cancer invasion in small lymph vessels irritate skin and is a symptom of inflammatory breast cancer. This kind of cancer causes pain, itching of the breast. Paget's breast cancer causes disease of the breast eczematoid skin changes, such as skin irritation and mild peeling of the nipple skin. Breast cancer is a metastatic disease that can spread all over the organism and affect different organs, thus it is considered to be incurable. It is not possible to stop the process. Metastatic spread of lumps can lead to weight loss, neurotic disorders, fever and other diseases (Kemeny, 1992, p. 13). As far as it is seen, breast cancer’s symptoms are different and destroy female organism step by step. Probably, this disease was named ‘cancer’ not in vain. Cancer opens its hostile feelers and entraps every victim. The global character of breast cancer is an intimidating tendency of modern society (Kemeny, 1992, p. 130). Female health needs care and professional doctor’s advice. Therefore on-time diagnostic can be salvational on the initial stages of the disease. Diagnostic methods are the following: breast palpation by a professional doctor, mammography, and aspiration cytology (Finkel, 2005, p. 34). A combination of these three diagnostic methods results in an accurate verification of breast cancer existence in every particular case. Aspiration cytology is similar to a biopsy. In the case of aspiration cytology a fluid inside a lump is checked for cancer cells; in case of biopsy, a piece of a lump or the whole lump is removed from the breast. Treatment of breast surgery is following: surgery, chemotherapy, radiation or a combination of all these methods (Ogden, 2004, p. 54). Breast cancer is sometimes treated first with surgery, and then with chemotherapy, radiation, or both. Treatment is chosen in accordance with the intensity of progress of the disease. Â
Friday, October 18, 2019
Different responses Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Different responses - Essay Example People with specific leanings, shaped by their age, gender or values, may observe and interpret Mrs. Mallard’s character using their own lens of perception. Feminists readers, on reading the immense emotional turmoil that Mrs. Mallard goes through as the realization dawns on her that she is finally free, may lament the bondages of marriage that pushed a woman to such desperation and depravity that she had to wait for a husband’s death to breathe in free air. A feminist perspective would therefore interpret Mrs. Mallard as a wife, who was feeling stuck and suffocated by her husband, probably due to lack of compatibility between them. In spite of this repressed desperation, Mrs. Mallard has been conditioned by the society to continue to play the role of a good wife. She plays that role as automation, even forgetting what her true feelings and desires were, until one day her husband is dead and her deeply buried feelings rush to the surface. Even at that specific moment, she reacts, with I believe female readers would relate and sympathize with Mrs. Mallard’s character, as more often than not, women have experienced suppressi on and had to repress their desires to maintain appearances of congeniality imposed on them by society. On the other hand, male readers probably would be harsher and judgmental of Mrs. Mallard, as she is a woman well provided for by her husband who had a â€Å"face that never looked saved with love upon her†. Ideally, in a male dominated society, a woman’s assigned position is to dedicate herself to husband and home, which is does not appear to be the case with Mrs. Mallard. A woman, whose husband is dead, is expected to feel the emotions of remorse, despondence and even fear of a long and lonely life, even if that husband was a dastard when alive. Chopin has managed to capture the presumed dead husband’s character in just a few sentences - that he was a good husband who
Eight steps in developing effective communications Essay
Eight steps in developing effective communications - Essay Example Eight steps in developing effective communications Sulemana asserts that successful corporate communication plans are those created after a thorough appraisal of a corporation’s former and current strategies of communicating with its customers and employees. He cites a study conducted at Columbia University’s Centre of Continuing Education that found that an excellent communication plan is one that identifies ways that a given company can move from the status quo to its desired point in the future. Salisbury points out that change management is thus successful when it takes into consideration the views of the target group. Furthermore, this helps to cement choices of the kinds of communication styles one wishes to use, the budget, audiences to use and the ways of conducting an appraisal of the communications program. A plan also helps company executives to guard against last minute interruptions or unnecessary changes. They are also able to control effectively the program with great peace of mind. A proper communications strategy is a vital aspect of any company’s success. It determines a company’s perception by the outside world, which in turn determines the company’s reputation as well as profitability. It also enhances teamwork and understanding among the employees helping them to remain highly motivated. As a result, their productivity increases which serve to benefit the company. All companies should consider investing in a communications plan as it certainly has the potential to boost growth.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Transcultural Nursing Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Transcultural Nursing Paper - Essay Example Leininger (2001) has stated that "The primary goals of transcultural community - based nursing are to help people of different and similar cultures maintain their health, prevent illnesses or disabilities, and die in culturally congruent and meaningful ways" (p.220).Thus this innovative form of nursing is becoming increasingly important in health care. In light of the above facts it is necessary to promote cultural sensitivity among nurses providing community health care, identify the challenges that are likely to hinder the implementation of a nursing framework that seeks to ensure culturally competent care and to pinpoint the resources available in the community that assist in transcultural nursing. In doing so it would be possible to ascertain practices that are conducive to promoting transcultural nursing and to determine ways in which it might be practiced more effectively. In order to promote cultural sensitivity among nurses it is important to impress upon them the significant role culture plays in individual lives. Cultural beliefs and tenets exert a profound influence on the way people choose to act, live their lives and make their decisions. According to Leininger (2001), "Humans are culturally rooted, acting and making decisions daily that are based on largely unspoken values, beliefs, and cultural community lifeways" (p. 222). Keeping this in mind, nurses are likely to be more sensitive to cultural practices which they might otherwise dismiss as eccentric or ridiculous. In this context, it is possible to promote cultural sensitivity by putting nurses into intimate contact with their own often forgotten cultural roots. This will enable them to identify with their patients who care deeply for their culture. Nurses should be made cognizant of the fact that incorporating transcultural knowledge and skills with their existing scientific practices can go a long way in making things easier and more effective for them when it comes to dealing with patients, particularly the recalcitrant ones. Failure to provide care that is compatible with individual cultures is likely to be met with resistance, hostility, fear and a lack of cooperation. This can impair or even endanger the health of the patient. And since the spirit of community nursing is all about helping in the healing process and putting patients on the road to recovery, nurses should pull out all stops to ensure that the patient's health does not suffer because of their own cultural ignorance. The scope for community - based transcultural nursing is on the rise as immigrants from every corner of the globe throng to the United States of America. Taking care of their health needs entails being aware of their cultural beliefs and expectations. Nurses need to be aware of this fact in order to serve the patient to the best of their abilities, otherwise they might find their existing skills are obsolete and useless in the face of increasing ethnic diversity. Leininger (2001) reports that "Many nurses said they had to almost completely relearn nursing from a different perspective because many of their previous nursing ideas did not fit with specific cultures" (p. 222). Such reports from experienced nurses along with information on multiculturalism and its impact on community health care management may be used to promote cultur
Analysis of Plato's Views of Justice and Poetry Essay
Analysis of Plato's Views of Justice and Poetry - Essay Example However, given Plato’s perception of justice, this appears to be an implausible argument within the point of view of The Republic. Certainly, Plato’s further analysis of the poets in Book Ten is appealing and commonly believed to be his ultimate conclusion on the issue; however, Socrates’s argument, which is found in Book Three, makes the argument of Plato quite unappealing to readers, which are placed in a shaky position that invites one to regard justice and poetry together, specifically, as being interdependent. Hence, this paper examines both these arguments. This paper attempts to demonstrate that the issues of justice and poetry, which are widely viewed to be independent themes in The Republic, are not merely interconnected essentially but vital to one another in the theoretical or philosophical mechanism of comprehending them. The connection between justice and poetry involves the following premises: as Plato rejects the legally oriented conceptualizations of justice, in which interactions and relations between citizens are characterized by definite approaches to acting, he likewise denounces an accurate, or legally oriented, knowledge of poetic symbols. However, this has a direct relationship as well: the legalistic fallacies of justice and poetry uncover their cure at the hermeneutical stage. ... In contrast, legalistic refers to the similarly improper, or truthful, understanding of the figurative and metaphorical components of poetry, specifically, what Socrates calls symbolic sense. Thus, if this feature of poetry is misinterpreted or overlooked, it must look like that poets tell lies and hence incorrectly depict reality. Hence, it is not quite appealing to use the prohibition of the poets as a contemplative affair that becomes vital to the examination of the nature of justice. Specifically, as Plato determines the way in which an individual should identify with poetry, this consequently indicates how the nature of justice is to be interpreted. In other words, this paper argues that the philosophical interpretation of justice entails a ‘poeticization’, which implies that the essence of justice is a fact which can be revealed only in the identification of the philosopher in accordance to the poetic feature of existence. Hence, this paper claims that in The Repub lic, the issue of the essence of poetry provides an interpretive means through which the philosopher can be harmonized with the essence of justice. This basic relationship reconstructs the very old conflict between philosophy and poetry, envisioning their bond as dynamic and fruitful, although argumentative, opposed. The argument of Aristotle seems to be an important revision of Plato’s thoughts on the connection between ‘phronesis’ as the statesman’s wisdom, and the capacity to put this wisdom in practice. Plato hence talks about the connection between ‘phronesis’ (wisdom) and ‘techne’ (art) in his conceptualization of justice. Conclusions The absence of frankness in The
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Transcultural Nursing Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Transcultural Nursing Paper - Essay Example Leininger (2001) has stated that "The primary goals of transcultural community - based nursing are to help people of different and similar cultures maintain their health, prevent illnesses or disabilities, and die in culturally congruent and meaningful ways" (p.220).Thus this innovative form of nursing is becoming increasingly important in health care. In light of the above facts it is necessary to promote cultural sensitivity among nurses providing community health care, identify the challenges that are likely to hinder the implementation of a nursing framework that seeks to ensure culturally competent care and to pinpoint the resources available in the community that assist in transcultural nursing. In doing so it would be possible to ascertain practices that are conducive to promoting transcultural nursing and to determine ways in which it might be practiced more effectively. In order to promote cultural sensitivity among nurses it is important to impress upon them the significant role culture plays in individual lives. Cultural beliefs and tenets exert a profound influence on the way people choose to act, live their lives and make their decisions. According to Leininger (2001), "Humans are culturally rooted, acting and making decisions daily that are based on largely unspoken values, beliefs, and cultural community lifeways" (p. 222). Keeping this in mind, nurses are likely to be more sensitive to cultural practices which they might otherwise dismiss as eccentric or ridiculous. In this context, it is possible to promote cultural sensitivity by putting nurses into intimate contact with their own often forgotten cultural roots. This will enable them to identify with their patients who care deeply for their culture. Nurses should be made cognizant of the fact that incorporating transcultural knowledge and skills with their existing scientific practices can go a long way in making things easier and more effective for them when it comes to dealing with patients, particularly the recalcitrant ones. Failure to provide care that is compatible with individual cultures is likely to be met with resistance, hostility, fear and a lack of cooperation. This can impair or even endanger the health of the patient. And since the spirit of community nursing is all about helping in the healing process and putting patients on the road to recovery, nurses should pull out all stops to ensure that the patient's health does not suffer because of their own cultural ignorance. The scope for community - based transcultural nursing is on the rise as immigrants from every corner of the globe throng to the United States of America. Taking care of their health needs entails being aware of their cultural beliefs and expectations. Nurses need to be aware of this fact in order to serve the patient to the best of their abilities, otherwise they might find their existing skills are obsolete and useless in the face of increasing ethnic diversity. Leininger (2001) reports that "Many nurses said they had to almost completely relearn nursing from a different perspective because many of their previous nursing ideas did not fit with specific cultures" (p. 222). Such reports from experienced nurses along with information on multiculturalism and its impact on community health care management may be used to promote cultur
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Designing and implemlenting an evaluation of the quality of yur Lab Report
Designing and implemlenting an evaluation of the quality of yur clinical teaching - Lab Report Example It is also worth noting that teacher evaluation exercises should focus on teaching practices rather than on individual teachers. To focus on professionalism in the teaching industry and in individual teachers, evaluations should consider the responsiveness and the involvement of others in such exercises. The key processes or stages in a teaching evaluation exercise include planning, preparation, observation, data collection, reporting, and follow-up. Notwithstanding the approaches used in teacher evaluation, these exercises should form an integral of the larger strategy education and teacher improvement. The other important part of teacher evaluation is its being dialogical rather than hierarchical. Teacher evaluation is not a preserve of the education industry; instead, other industries such as nursing also require teacher evaluation exercises as nurses require continual training and refresher course. Evaluation of clinical teaching with regards to student learning and competency is quite instrumental in giving teachers, administrators and employers of training programs an overview of the quality of the teaching and learning practices of those involved. However, that clinical teacher should also be evaluated makes it necessary for those concerned to design and implement various teaching evaluation policies and approaches. The design and the implementation of clinical teaching evaluation tools is thus quite a crucial undertaking in nursing and other types of clinical education. This paper designs and implements a nursing teaching evaluation for the employer, detailing the approaches used in the evaluation and changes suitable for improving future nursing teaching. Nursing Teaching Evaluation and Improvement There are several reasons for which the undertaken nursing teaching evaluation was conducted. First, nursing teaching evaluation helps employers and administrators to gauge the effectiveness of teaching personnel, thus contributing to informed and wise decis ion making in clinical educational institutions. One method by which the nursing teaching evaluation was done is the use of student evaluators. It is often recommended that administrators and employers assess the evaluation tools used on their reliability, relevance and validity. In this nursing practice evaluation, the development process and psychometric testing for clinical and educational evaluation of teaching were applied. Since the students were required to fill without feeling their time was being wasted, the evaluation instruments had to be relatively short. The instruments were quite useful in meeting the reasons for which evaluation is such an important part of nursing and nursing education. The first aim of the evaluation was to determine whether the educational interventions used are effective in assisting learners to achieve the expected outcomes. Just in the same way as students are constantly assessed to determine their progress, so should nursing teachers. A five-ev aluator program, which is a rather accurate and valid evaluation approach critical in the education of competent professional nurses, was used in the nursing teaching evaluation. The evaluators included educators, students, peers, administrators and heads of programs and/or departments such as pediatric, health, administration, medical-surgical, psychiatric. However,
Sustainable tourism Essay Example for Free
Sustainable tourism Essay Kenya is in Africa and is becoming a popular holiday destination with tourists and the number of advantages have increased and also the number of disadvantages. There are more advantages for the local community to work and earn money but there are also the large tourist companies which are taking a large chunk of the countrys money out of the country via leakage. In this report I will recommend how to improve the disadvantages and to maximize the advantages for the income and welfare of Kenyan local communities and environments to keep sustainable tourism in Kenya. The Tour Companies The tour companies are responsible for the package holidays, and making them up, deciding what to include in them and whether they are suitable. Tour companies need to make sure the packages they use are environmentally friendly and will be sustainable for the future. More and more people are visiting Kenya and want to go on safaris and get as close to the animals as they can, so the tour company drivers go off the track so they can get close to the animals and please the tourists. As a result of this the animals get scared. I recommend that they do a couple of things to ensure the safety of tourists and to keep the trips sustainable. First I think there should be strict rules as to where the drivers may go and when, at certain times some animals will become a lot more agitated and may even attack the safari vans. Drivers should remain on the tracks in doing this they are not scaring the animals or killing the environment so it remains sustainable. Secondly there should also be restrictions on the time of day safaris are so the animals are not constantly disturbed, this will help sustainability as the animals will be able to reproduce and keep the numbers up. Another ride that scares the animals is the hot air balloon rides. If the balloons go too low the animals are scared and may move from their normal terrain to get away from the hot air balloons. I recommend that there are fewer hot air balloons and there are height restrictions as to how low they can go. Sustainability is a major key that I think the tour companies need to think about and remember when creating
Monday, October 14, 2019
Development of Online Auction Market
Development of Online Auction Market Abstract The world of online auction is a very competitive world, its also almost monopoly where companies such as e-bay take the biggest market share. Because the internet has no governing body and does not belong to any government there is no control over what users are selling or buying or whether there is ethical, moral or legal ramification on the act of the customers which use the services of these companies. Competing with companies such as e-bay, a well established brand with global dominance is not something I had in mind; Student Online Auction System is no exception in its need for these advantages and competitive edge to thrive in this highly competitive global market. This report will outline the stage in carrying out an investigation of a problem situation which is a real world and developing a new system. To be able to achieve tasks, various analytical and design methodologies were investigated. It is also important to consider the organizational structure and culture, this can play a vital role in information modeling because often a failure in an information system project may be more due to lack of recognition of or respect for the culture of the organization than because of the technology itself. Major organisations such as e-bay but lot of emphasizes on calling their customers Community members rather then customers. The original idea that help the birth of e-bay was to establish an online community were members meet in online forums were they engage in open discussions on how to improve the services provided, exchange ideas as well as selling and buying In this project an attempt will made to be more aware of the needs of the customer, and to make the system have the facility were customers, give a feedback on the systems functionality, usability and ease of navigation and then carrying out any relevant improvements suggested by these feedbacks at the maintenance stage. Chapter 1 Introduction The aim of this project is to design and set up an online business model where students at the university can buy and sell articles through effective bidding system. It also provides a guide for me to undertake the project successfully through gathering essential information and literature relating to the fundamental issues that can support and improve security. The projects objective is to create a tool that will reduce the operational risks related to do this type of business where fraudulent misuse of user accounts is very common. Information systems are fundamental part of organisations asset, its classed as an asset because information systems use data bases which are the building blocks of an information system. The information gathered and stored in these building blocks are then analysed and refined to help organisations decision making process. Although ordinary filing system will probably satisfy the definition of information system a Data Base Management System (DBMS) is a program design specifically to store and access data. It also has special features not present in cabinet filling system such as consistency, time saving, access control, reliability and recovery. This project is about developing a system which merges Database with website technology to produce an Online auction Business. 1.2 Description of Project Objectives. The main objective of this project is to make Students who want sell their unwanted items a computerized business by developing a database system together with a database driven site to give online services for their customers. In order to give a good service and stay competitive on the market, the business should be able to adopt this new system. The project will research on other Auction Businesses who already uses this technology and also investigate on how this business can give online services. In addition to that, the project will investigate the existing systems used by the existing online auction companies in day to day activity and identify the problem area of their system in order to come up with a better system. Starting from the research and analysis it will go to the implementation by having an appropriate report on the process undertaken including explanation of techniques and software used to develop the system. It will also analyse and identify the appropriate technology for SOAS Ltd to give an efficient service and to run the business more effectively. Finally there will be testing and evaluating the finished product to make sure that it meets the requirements in order to satisfy the client. Main points why set up Student Online Auction System. To provide fast and an efficient service to their customers. To get or attract more customers by giving online and fast services. To improve communication with customers. To protect data or information against unauthorised access. Online service will save journey (time) for any customers. Generate Revenue for both students and the company Stay competitive on the market. No interruption. Peace of mind. 1.3 Academic Objectives To design and implement a database management system for To gain an understanding of a database systems and the technology behind them. To research on other estate agents who currently have a database management system and online system. To discusses a range of methodologies, tools and techniques in order to select the most suitable approaches for the development of the project. To demonstrate all the practical and theoretical knowledge gained during my studies at the university. To meet deadlines following the software development principle including project management and documentation. To develop a website for London wide estates. 1.4 Personal Objectives To gain a valuable knowledge and experience in a variety of fields that should help build my future career. To gain confidence in my ability to make the right decision and cope with difficult situation during the development of the system with self-tuition and minimum supervision. To achieve an insight and hands-on practical experience of analyzing, designing, testing and documentation of a real world project. To prepare myself to face the real world in the computing industry with the experience I have gained in the past and will gain developing the system. By developing this system I hope to demonstrate my capability of mastering a real word project. 1.5 Project Proposal Although traditional auction houses still enjoy some popularity by restricting their trade on e few reserved items such as art effects and memorabilias. They have in some way or other adopted technology to conduct their business. This is because of the fast pace of technological revolution that is taken over the way that business is conducted all over world. These days everything seems to be done on a computer and paper work is becoming thing of the past. It is well known fact that Information technology is so important in making the life of many businesses much easier. It is also essential that businesses depend on a computerized database system to provide or record information for running their business on daily basis. Student Online Auction Systems Ltds purpose is to set up a database driven website were customers primarily students sell and buy items from each other. The project will make use of the web-driven database technology to implement and set up fully functioning online business. The purposed online system will allow customers to browse, search without registering and only allow to buy, sell or both after registration. In order to set up the system a variety of different softwares will be used HTML XML JAVASCRIPT Visual studio SQL Express Chapter 2 2.1 Background The history of internet auctions started in mid 1990s, and quickly become one of the most successful applications of electronic commerce. Perhaps EBay, the premier consumer-to-consumer (C2C) internet auction site, is generally perceived as pioneer for the industry. As the business to business (B2B) auctions transaction volume increases the potential for the industry is greater then that of conventional auctions. With auction sites such as eBay and U-Bid being common household names, it seems hard to believe that the online auction phenomenon is actually very young. But young it is. In fact, the world of online auctions as we know it found its beginning in the year 1995 with a company dedicated to holding auctions for geeks wanting to buy, sell and trade computers and peripherals. Today, this site, fondly known as eBay, has become the worlds largest online marketplace hosting more than 100,000 auctions daily in 315 categories. With more than 40 million bids placed on eBay since its in ception, it is no wonder that other entrepreneurs hoping to claim a piece of the internet auction market quickly followed suit. Far from being a lonely beacon in the world of online trading, eBay is now competing with several other extremely successful online auctions sites. In fact, hundreds of auction sites can be found listed in various auction directories on the web. On these sites, consumers world wide buy, sell and trade items ranging from rare collectibles to daily essentials. Virtually everything imaginable can be found on internet auctions at a great price. 2.2 What is an online Auction? An online auction is an internet-based activity, which is used to negotiate prices for purchasing or sale of direct materials, capital or services. Online auctions can be used to sell: these are called Forward (or Seller) Auctions and closely resemble the activity on B2C auction websites. Companies have used forward auctions to sell off surplus assets or in times of shortages -highest bid wins. However, most companies are starting to use Reverse (or Buyer) Auctions, where purchasers seek market pricing, inviting suppliers to compete for business in an online event. Auctions can be either private/closed where there are typically few bidders who have no visibility of each others bids, or open, where a greater number of participants are invited. In this case participants have visibility of either their rank or the bidding itself. Bidding on an internet auction is as simple as surfing the web. All you need to do is register at an auction site and begin browsing for merchandise. Once you find exactly what you are looking for, you can place a bid and monitor the bidding action with just a few clicks of your mouse. Most auctions sites also allow you to transfer payments through PayPal, an online payment system. That means that your personal credit card information is not given to any buyer or auction site directly. So, no matter whether you are searching for a one-of-a-kind antique or looking for a bottle of discount designer perfume, you can bet that you will find what you seek at the online auctions. 2.3 How do Online Auctions Work? Internet auctions are giant flea markets. Sellers may offer one item at a time or multiple lots of the same item. In theory, online auctions run much like local auctions, but behind the scenes there is a collection of data going on continuously. Just like local auctions, there are sellers and bidders and winners and losers. Winners are expected to pay for what they bid on at the conclusion of the auction. But that is where the similarities between online and local auctions end. 2.3.1 Registration At online auctions you will be required to register before you can buy or sell an item (s). This is required to track items you bid on or sell, keep up with the bids, determine the winning bids and build a database on seller and bidder feedback. 2.3.2 Winning Bids The bidding for each auction closes at the scheduled time. In the case of sales of multiple lots, the participants with the highest bids at the close of the auction are obligated to buy the items. If no one bids at or above the reserve price, the auction closes without a winner. At the close of a successful auction, the buyer and seller communicate, usually by email, to arrange for payment and delivery of the goods. 2.3.3 Payment Options Buyers may have several payment options, including credit card, debit card, personal check, cashiers check, money order, cash on delivery and escrow services. However, all sellers do not accept all forms of payment. Credit cards offer buyers the most consumer protections, including the right to seek a credit from the credit card issuer if the product is not delivered or if the product received is not the product ordered. Typically, sellers using business-to-person auction sites accept payment by credit card. But many sellers in person-to-person auctions do not. Usually they require payment by cashiers check or money order before they send the item to the winning bidder 2.3.4 Types of auctions. There are two types of Internet auctions business-to-person or person-to-person. Sellers of business-to-person auction sites have physical control of the merchandise being offered and accept payment for the goods. In person-to-person auctions, individual sellers or small businesses offer their items for auction directly to consumers. Generally, the seller, not the site, has physical possession of the merchandise. After the auction closes, the seller is responsible for dealing directly with the highest bidder to arrange for payment and delivery. Chapter 3 3.0 Introduction Internet auctions can be characterised in two ways: third-party auction sellers such as e-Bay, and Yahoo! that auction goods for others (either individual sellers or corporate chains), and direct auction sellers which create their own auctions online via their company websites. A substantial number of retailers and catalogue firms are taking advantage of the boom in these online auctions to unload merchandise and increase sales, and growth in the online auction category is now well documented. Catalogue marketers as diverse as The Sharper Image, Ross-Simons,, and CompUSA are all successfully auctioning products online. A business model is the mechanism by which a business intends to specify a value proposition or a value cluster for targeted customers, a financial model and a market offering 3.1 ebays Business Model eBay has built an online person-to-person trading community on the Internet, using the World Wide Web. Buyers and sellers are brought together in a manner where sellers are permitted to list items for sale, buyers to bid on items of interest and all eBay users to browse through listed items in a fully automated way. The items are arranged by topics, where each type of auction has its own category. eBay has both streamlined and globalized traditional person-to-person trading, which has traditionally been conducted through such forms as garage sales, collectibles shows, flea markets and more, with their web interface. This facilitates easy exploration for buyers and enables the sellers to immediately list an item for sale within minutes of registering. Browsing and bidding on auctions is free of charge, but sellers are charged two kinds of charges: When an item is listed on eBay a non-refundable Insertion Fee is charged, which ranges between 30 cents and $3.30, depending on the sellers opening bid on the item. A fee is charged for additional listing options to promote the item, such as highlighted or bold listing. A Final Value (final sale price) fee is charged at the end of the sellers auction. This fee generally ranges from 1.25% to 5% of the final sale price. eBay notifies the buyer and seller via e-mail at the end of the auction if a bid exceeds the sellers minimum price, and the seller and buyer finish the transaction independently of eBay. The binding contract of the auction is between the winning bidder and the seller only. 3.2 Amazons Business Model Amazons business model is one in which Amazon depends on third party to deliver information goods or services to end customers. There are three operational strategies that have helped to enhance its competitive advantage, including cost-leadership, customer differentiation and focus strategies (Saunders, 2001, pp.122-123). The first strategy, cost-leadership is pursued by by differentiating itself primarily on the basis of price. Due to this strategy, always makes sure that it offers the same quality products as other companies for a considerably less price. Their second strategy is customer differentiation. provided current and prospective customers with differentiation though design, quality or convenience and always selects a differentiator that is different among the competitor. So, consumers can recognize and differentiate its product from competitors (Saunders, 2001, pp.122-123). The last strategy that it uses, i s a focus strategy. This strategy takes one of the two earlier strategies and applies it to a niche within the market (Saunders, 2001, pp.122-123). focuses on outstanding customer service as a niche but not the whole market because each niche has its own demand and requirement. 3.3 Customer interface To a certain extent, the customer interface can be customized to each users preferences. When a user logs in to after purchasing, the website reconfigures and presents content that pertains to individual users, depending upon the users responses or profile (2004, p.188). For, collaborative-filtering software is used to tailor the website to each user through comparing each users purchases with the purchases of other users with similar preferences (2004, p.188). A list is then compiled of additional purchase recommendations, with suggestions across product categories as well, such as similar areas of interest in CD or DVD format (2004, p.188). Additionally, the website promotes and fosters a community of customers through encouraging readers to submit book reviews and facilitating online discussions about previously read books (Spector, 2000, p.78). These activities provide users with an interactive component and give them an opportunity to contribute to the websites content as well as develop a group identity and sense of belonging which can lead to possible friendships (Spector, 2000, p.78).  3.4 Technology behind the Online Auctions Secure Internet system is safer then handing over your card details on the phone. The application used to secure the online monitory system is the Secure Socket layer SSL. This technology is a military strength encryption technology, which works in conjunction with secure servers. This technology scrambles and encrypts sensitive information such as credit card details with a code before passing by a merchant server from a PC and that of the company taking a customers money. One of the other applications is a system of digital certification. When a user visits the website, intending to purchase over the Internet online, the website will display a lock sign on the toolbar below and provide information that the website is secure to use, the SSL lock will identify if the website is certified or not? The certificate is to authorise secure online transaction processing, which acts like an Identity card for the site and for the company behind the site. Its confirmed that the site belong to a register trader. 3.4.2 Methodology The Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method (SSADM) is thorough method of system development and if not understood fully it can lead into confusion into the mass of details available on the different stages of this methodology. SSDAM looks at the system from three different, but highly interdependent perspectives. The first is that of functionality or processing. This looks at the way in which data is passed around the system and the processes or activities that transform it, i.e. it sets out the functions provided for users by the system. The second is that of data. An information system (IS) exists only to store and act upon organisations data. By understanding the true nature and structure of data we get to real heart of the system. Data structures are far more constant than processing or functions, which tend to change fairly frequently; therefore its the data view that forms the backbone of SSADM. The final view looks at the effects of time and real world events on the dat a held within the system. Whereas the function and data views are rather ‘snapshot in nature, the events view is dynamic; it is specifically designed to model system behaviour over time. of using SSADM Timelines: Theoretically, SSADM allows one to plan, manage and control a project well. These points are essential to deliver the product on time. Usability: Within SSADM special emphasis is put on the analysis of user needs. Simultaneously, the systems model is developed and a comprehensive demand analysis is carried out. Both are tried to see if they are well suited to each other.6 Respond to changes in the business environment: As in SSADM documentation of the project†²s progress is taken very seriously, issues like business objectives and business needs are considered while the project is being developed. This offers the possibility to tailor the planning of the project to the actual requirements of the business. Effective use of skills: SSADM does not require very special skills and can easily be taught to the staff. Normally, common modelling and diagramming tools are used. Commercial CASE tools are also offered in order to be able to set up SSADM easily. Better quality: SSADM reduces the error rate of IS by defining a certain quality level in the beginning and constantly checking the system. Improvement of productivity: By encouraging on-time delivery, meeting business requirements, ensuring better quality, using human resources effectively as well as trying to avoid bureaucracy, SSADM improves the overall productivity of the specific project and the company. Cuts costs: SSADM separates the logical and the physical systems design. So the system does not have to be implemented again with new hard -or software.7 Disadvantages of using SSADM SSADM puts special emphasis on the analysis of the system and its documentation. This causes the danger of over-analysing, which can be very time and cost consuming. Due to various types of description methods, checks of consistence cannot be carried out. Especially with large systems, the outline diagram can become very unclear, because all relevant data flows have to be included. However, large companies carrying out various projects, can profit from the fact that SSADM gives the possibility to reuse certain techniques and tools for other projects. This reduces cost and time spent enormously in the long run. So, the danger of spending too much money on analysis can be compensated by the reuse of the developed systems and experience gained. 3.4.3 UML The unified modelling language defines the industry standard notation and semantics for properly applying that notation for software built using object-oriented (OO) or component based technology. UML2.0 provides common and consistent notation with which to describe (OO) and component software systems. The UML potentially decreases the learning curve for developers because they only need to learn the one modelling language. Advantages of using UML Wide industry acceptance Wide range of tool support Consistent modelling notation Disadvantages of using UML Modelling tools do not fully support it and sometimes get the notation wrong when they do Not yet complete Many developers only understand UML notations, often because most books and modelling tools do not go beyond the UML to address user interface modelling, or even business rules The full notation is overkill for most projects, most efforts only need a small subset of the notation 3.4.5 Using SSADM with UML Complex information systems require a methodology for their development in a structured manner. Many different methodologies exist, each suitable for a particular type of application. In this report we develop a taxonomy covering two different classification features for methodologies targeted at the workflow area. Features identified include concerns, method structure, data gathering means, people involved, notations, adaptability, flexibility, exception, CASE tool. Unified Modelling Language (UML) and Unified Process are relatively strong on hard aspects and weak on soft aspects. Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method (SSADM) is perhaps the most comprehensive but some soft aspects are omitted. The combination of techniques such as UML and Workflow is identified as a way forward. Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) HTML is one of the next generations of Generalised Markup Languages (GMLs). HTML is very easy to use language for web designing. HTML allows web developers to format web page using set of markup tags provided by HTML. HTML can be used within codes. This can only be made possible by using a function called asp followed by â€Å"(HTML)†, e.g. â€Å" Hello Word †. HTML is used within to design the interface to make it easy to navigate through a site. HTML forms static Web sites, but with the use of is can be dynamic. ASP.NET ASP stands for Active Server Pages. This is one of Microsofts latest software product. ASP.NET is built upon the .NET Framework. The .NET Framework consists of two main components: the common language runtime (CLR) and the .NET Framework class library. The foundation of the .NET Framework is the CLR. It is like an agent that manages codes at execution time for both Windows and ASP.NET applications. The class library is an object-oriented collection of reusable components. It can be used to develop applications for both Windows and the Web. The .NET Framework is a free download, but the development tools can be expensive. ASP.NET is used by Web developers to create dynamic Web pages. It offers a set of reusable, predefined and ready to use controls. This control saves time as it minimises the amount of codes to be written. Java Script JavaScript is a client side scripting language. It is highly efficient as many tasks are client-side processing. JavaScript is an interpreted programming language with object oriented capabilities. JavaScript can be embedded into the HTML to add functionality. JavaScript is very useful for setting validations on a page to minimize error entry. Microsoft SQL 2000 Microsoft SQL Server 2000 is a full-featured relational database management system (RDBMS) that offers a variety of administrative tools to ease the burdens of database development, maintenance and administration. It has features such as Enterprise Manager, Query Analyzer, SQL Profiler, Service Manager, Data Transformation Services and Books 3.5.0 Primary Research Primary research involves getting original data directly about the product and market. Primary research data is data that did not exist before. It is designed to answer specific questions of interest to the business. Here a questionnaire was chosen to be the method of conducting market research in to online auction website as the primary source. A questionnaire with composed of ten questions were distributed into ten students at different times and days to get maximum answer ratio. See Appendix A Chapter 4 4.0 Fact finding analysis All projects that involve system development must have thorough fact finding or investigation carried out before the specification, design and construction of the application. Its important for the project to be clear about what the system needs to do and this will require obtaining information about a potentially wide range of subjects. 4.0.1 Examining any existing documentation Although there was physical documentation available to examine for existing companies such as e-bay, it was relatively small amounts of electronic journals available at the research web resources such as Mental. 4.0.2 Interviewing Interviewing is the most and common techniques that is used almost in every computing or business project. This is because is an easy way of collecting information face-to-face with the people involved in the old or new system. This process has started from the first day of the project by meeting both my supervisor Mrs Patricia Robertson, for more updates. The process started by drawing some business activity model (for more information please look at the BAM (Business Activity Model). These activities had to be change few several times to meet the systems requirements. Through out the project it was important to interview regular users of the existing systems used by other companies such as e-bay and Amazon for feedbacks and updates. The project had faced some sit back at the beginning due to the fact that the original sole use of SSADM as methodology was not good idea, which made it hard getting the exact system requirement. With the help of some of the SSADM techniques such as the BAM and ER diagram coupled with UML CASE diagrams we managed to reach an over look of the system. Questionnaire As part of the investigation process, questionnaires were prepared and handed out to some randomly selected people from the Westminster harrow Campus ,as they could be the new potential customers , these were filled out on the while they were in the Hall ways and student union centre. Questionnaires generally tend to be an inexpensive method of getting people to provide information. The technique used will be closed questions. This will allow people to write their short answers on a fixed set of options, to avoid people getting bored by long open questions which they have no time for. 4.0.4. Analysis of the questionnaire The questionnaire started with asking potential customers how often they visit Online auction? The group of people questioned consisted 60% of (19-30) years olds, 20% of the age (18) and 20% of the age (31-45), 30% of the participants answered that they visit online auction websites at least once a week 1% answered everyday 40% said they visit once a month and 20% percent said they never visit online auction websites. But perhaps more surprisingly of all questions, participants were undecided 50% yes and 50 % No when asked whether online auctions offer a better deal. There was however good result when participants were asked whether they actually sold or bought from online auctions the result was 60% yes and 40% no. see graph below 4.1.0 Market Positioning Once a potential market segments have being identified and target audience selected, SOS Ltd would need to determine the positioning of its services amongst service industries in the market place. Effective management of marketing communication will enable the companys marketers to position their services in the mind of the customers, its therefore important for the company to position itself along side the Specialist online auction web site: such sites need to build a good reputation for
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