Sunday, August 23, 2020
Information Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
Data Policy - Essay Example Nonetheless, area shutdowns and three strike rule have diminished instances of theft. The issue is on distributed (P2P) sharing locales where protection is a prickly issue. By what means can P2P destinations be checked for copyright issues without abusing protection? To be sure, top level spaces are basic framework that encourage access to taxpayer driven organizations. The shutdown of such destinations can injure nations and states. In any case, some huge destinations, for example, Google have a great deal of clients, more than even the populaces of most nations. Do you accept that the shutdown of a webpage, for example, Google can injure the web? The issue of locales, for example, privateer bay’s proceeded with presence is because of hesitance in the copyright requirement offices, for example, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The ICE just diverts traffic from the site by changing the area access of a site to an alternate site without the pilfered material (DeNardis, 2015). This transitory shutdown adds to the proceeded with presence of locales, for example, Pirate Bay. The ICE ought to improve their data innovation aptitudes with the goal that they can follow the physical location of the servers used to do theft. Moreover, the ICE should take all servers and any materials used to do theft, and capture and indict the copyright violators. Albeit shutting down spaces and capturing people who download copyright materials won't totally stop robbery, it will diminishing its event. In any case, it needs improvement as showed previously. What are the better ways, from your point of view, which can decrease copyrights and trademarks infringement, or do you accept that the war against theft can never be
Friday, August 21, 2020
Sustainable development Essays
Feasible advancement Essays Feasible advancement Essay Feasible advancement Essay Inn industry in Pakistan makes a significant piece of the administration segment. All inclusive the lodging business has concentrated on preparing and human asset improvement to contend in the present business condition. The examination was led to investigate and discover how corporate crucial key objectives can be accomplished through corporate trainings in the inn business of Pakistan. Information from the focused on lodging industry were acquired through study poll and organized meetings of representatives. Discoveries of this exploration show that trainings increment the exhibition of workers. An inning group Of workers can be made through an orderly way to deal with preparing and advancement. Finding of this exploration paper help the approach producers in inn industry to execute the corporate preparing program as winning procedure to convey fantastic assistance. INSTRUMENT: A self-directed survey was utilized for the assortment of information from the agent test of clients of inns in three urban communities of Pakistan. The poll contains three areas. The principal area keeps the segment profile of respondents. The subsequent area Measures clients view of the host inn characteristics all through their remain. These qualities were chosen for planning poll after the survey of writing. The third area was about the clients decision whether they might want to remain again in this host lodging or might want to change to another inn. It was required from the respondents to rate the host lodging property and the decision of their next remain on a five point Liker scale, going from 1 (firmly deviate) to 5 (unequivocally concur). Respondents were solicited to compose the name from have inn. In the wake of checking the profile of lodgings, local and worldwide inns were separated. Aftereffects of reactions of local and global visitors were independently examined and end is drawn by looking at them. Following exploration questions were created in review survey so as to accomplish the destinations of the investigation. 1. How the crucial, objectives and hierarchical achievement can be accomplished through Corporate trainings in inn industry of Pakistan. 2. How might we make the corporate preparing cycle progressively proficient to improve representatives execution. 3. What approaches are embraced to actualize viable preparing programs in inn industry in Pakistan? Theoretical FRAMEWORK: Socio-Economic Variables Intervening Moderating Variables. Discovering/RESULTS: According to Abide Leila (2005), the job of lodging industry in administration division is significant. Desires for clients are continually evolving. Very much prepared representatives can improve the corporate character of the business. Administration quality can be improved through trainings. Execution of an inn is straightforwardly related with the administration quality. Very much educated and weltering representatives can more readily comprehend clients request. Shih Us-(2007) likewise finished up 180 that clients fulfillment relies on the nature of administration. As indicated by Amaze-LU-Amaze Furan Hanoi (2013), trainings are imperative to make associations productive. Preparing and improvement programs upgrade the ability of workers into a key resource. Compelling administration of a preparation cycle prompts work fulfillment, inspiration and duty. Trainings advance employability at working environment. Advantages of preparing and advancement can be augmented by successful preparing need appraisal process, preparing configuration, preparing assessment and preparing conveyance. A triumphant group of workers can be made through an orderly way to deal with preparing and improvement. Preparing plans ought to be intended to upgrade the expert capabilities corporate directors and different representatives to advance an expansible, sheltered and a viable workplace. Representatives need current information and abilities to play out their employments. Mechanical changes and new imaginative methods of working together are the fundamental issues. The lodging business ought to create preparing plans to accomplish hierarchical objectives, for example, expanded efficiency, seriousness and consumer loyalty. Faker LU FAQ al (2011) has reasoned that preparation shines abilities and capabilities of representatives. Discoveries of this examination additionally show that a great corporate sign True can be worked through powerful representatives preparing and advancement programs. Corporate culture directs the practices of workers. Creation and advancement of a triumphant group is incomprehensible without a successful preparing and improvement plans. Preparing and advancement expands the exhibition of workers. Raja GAG et al. , (2011) have additionally inferred that preparation and improvement activities have positive effect on authoritative execution. Compelling administration of the considerable number of segments of preparing process has significantly impact on representatives and hierarchical execution. Preparing is a basic piece of human asset the executives in inn industry. The business must have a settled preparing and improvement yester. New advancement devices empower representatives and upgrade their enthusiasm for new activities. New analytic methodologies like use of thankful request create inspiration and enthusiasm over the organ activity (Sally Watson, 2013). Discoveries show that preparation and improvement help to execute vital hierarchical change. Future abilities and skills are examined and capacities of representatives redevelopment to keep away from job uncertainty. Trued HO. Outrage S. , (2013) has likewise inferred that aptitudes improvement of the executives and workers are basic during change to introduction the unsure condition. Preparing and improvement projects ought to be lined up with corporate business techniques. Anna Macedon (2013) has presumed that businesses should themselves 181 give the course to preparing and improvement programs. Great and compelling preparing and advancement programs set up business and representatives relationship. We locate the accompanying outcomes from finding. Need of neighborhood and national economy. The absence of foundation to help economical the travel industry advancement. Feasible advancement arrangement center. Structure of open organization framework. Absence of mindfulness. The discoveries of this examination additionally show that imparting manageability in resort and inn improvements in creating nation like Malaysia may end up being a difficult and troublesome procedure. Without the presentation of solid advancement technique and procedure, and without comprehension and tending to the different difficulties that have been talked about in this examination, it might an overwhelming assignment to make the travel industry settlement offices increasingly responsible towards condition, social advantages and neighborhood monetary turn of events.
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Term Paper Entails A Marketing Analysis Of Hilton Worldwide - 2750 Words
Term Paper Entails A Marketing Analysis Of Hilton Worldwide (Term Paper Sample) Content: Hilton WorldwideStudents NameInstitutionCourse InstructorDateTable of Contents 1 Introduction 12.0 Hilton Worldwide business environment .32.1 Micro environment ...42.2 Macro environment 53.0 Marketing research..63.1 Methods on how Hilton Worldwide can conduct marketing research..74.0 Market segmentation ..74.1 Hilton market segmentation..84.2 Hilton Worldwide market segmentation process ....135.0 Marketing theory. .....105.1 Hilton worldwide marketing mix.105.2 How Hilton marketing mix responds to changing markets.13Conclusion 14References 151.0 IntroductionHilton Worldwide is one the world's leading hotel company, offering a broad variety of hospitality services worldwide. Hilton Worldwide has its headquarters at Texas in the United States of America. Hilton Worldwide currently owns and manages franchises and a portfolio of brands that includes Resorts, Conrad Hotel, Waldorf Astoria Hotels and many more. Hilton Worldwide brands include 4,112 hotels and more than 650 ,000 available rooms. Regarding size and recognition the company was ranked as the 38th largest cooperation in the United States of America.Hilton Worldwide is among the leading market leaders in the hospitality industry. The company is well known for distinguishable and luxurious hotels across The United States of America and globally. The market has demonstrated that there is a need for hotels to be one-stop-shop. Hilton Worldwide not only provides rooms and gaming but also provides spa, salons, shops and entertainment. Hilton Worldwide discovered that there was a market to incorporate gaming industry with the hotel industry. The company has demonstrated the importance of this trend by incorporating gaming such as casinos as well as entertainment services with other hotel services. Although the cost of integrating gaming and entertainment in the hotel industry is high, it justified due to its ability to attract people to other core services provided by the company.2.0 Hilton World wide business environment2.1 Macro environment * Technological environment.Mobile apps have positively affected Hilton worldwide. The company has its app that provides rooms browsing services, room booking platform as well as payment features. The company has hotels over 76 countries and offers reliable WI-FI services attracting businesspeople who are the regular users of the companys hospitality services. * PoliticalLegislation is changing, with every nation adopting different laws. Hilton Worldwide has been adversely affected by ever-changing laws in various countries that are targeting the ever expanding hospitality industry * EnvironmentIn the recent years, the hospitality industry has come under scrutiny regarding environmental pollution, especially in tourist attraction sites. Hilton Worldwide is facing tight regulations aimed at reducing the companys carbon footprint that has led to increased operational costs. The company has accepted that has a high carbon level and has cr eated organizations in a move to reduce pollution (Uwehilton, 2014). * SocialHilton provides global hospitality ...
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
President Kennedy Of The United States - 1245 Words
The date was January 20, 1961, it was brutally cold, the highest temperature at 20 degrees Fahrenheit, and there were over 20,000 people gathered to observe one of the most iconic speeches in U.S. HISTORY. John F. Kennedy now President Kennedy of the United States of America stepped up to the podium ready to address the nation as the youngest ever to be elected. He came into office at height of the Cold War, and the one thing on people s minds was the fear of a nuclear war occurring and communism spreading. As he addressed the nation he successfully reassured Americans that they made the right choice in electing him, emphasized his determination to work for freedom and human rights and most importantly he inspired Americans and the whole world to rise to greatness. Coming into the presidency after winning by a small margin President Kennedy knew he had reassure Americans that he was the right choice for them. The election of 1960 was one of the closest in American history, with approximately 100,000 votes separating President Kennedy from his opponent Richard Nixon. As he strived to convince Americans that he was a legitimate choice he stated â€Å"We observe today not a victory of party but a celebration of freedom--symbolizing an end as well as a beginning--signifying renewal as well as change†. Because he said this it acknowledged, the victory he had achieved without mentioning the narrow margin he had won the election by, this was because he believedShow MoreRelatedJohn F. Kennedy : The President Of The United States991 Words  | 4 PagesI selected John Fitzgerald Kennedy or JFK for my research because I did not know much about him. Initially, I knew that he was the 35th president of the United States. Kennedy is also one of the four presidents who were assassinated while in office. JFK himself was not only famous, but his marriage was well known as well because his wife, Jacqueline Kennedy, was a social face that was admired all over the world. I did not know much about the aspect of his presidency, but thought that ethically heRead MoreJohn F Kennedy And The President Of The United States2011 Words  | 9 Pagesof her greatest icons that she had. President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States was killed with just under three years in office. Although this man was killed with just over half of his term in office accomplished many things that Americans now consider him to be the most influential person to have held the office of president of the united states, as well as an instigator of significant social change. John F Kennedy was a President that fought for civil rights for aRead MoreJohn F. Kennedy s President Of The United States Essay1854 Words  | 8 PagesJo hn F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States, was the top rated and popular president the U.S. has ever had. During his roughly 1000 days in office he had an approval rating of 70% with the closest being Dwight Eisenhower with 65%. Since then, 74% of people believe he did an above average or outstanding job while only 3% believe he did a below average or poor job. With all of those facts, November 22, 1963, may go down as one of the most controversial days in the United States of AmericaRead MoreJohn F. Kennedy s President Of The United States1171 Words  | 5 Pagescase it is the former president of the United Sates John F. Kennedy, one of the most legendary president of the United States. He is listed as the youngest elected president and die at the heart of its mandate to the presidency of the United States, killed two years after entering the White House. Today it remains the only American president of the Catholic faith; and the current president of the United Sta tes Barack Obama considered the first black president of the United States. The two men who haveRead MoreJohn F. Kennedy s President Of The United States1813 Words  | 8 PagesJohn F. Kennedy When John F Kennedy served as the 35th president of the United States his overall goal was to issue civil rights for everyone. Fortunately, he was very successful in doing so when he achieved this goal before being assassinated. Many people would argue his presidency was a failure due to the Cuban missile crisis that almost started a nuclear war, however, due to Kennedy s leadership we were able to come to a peaceful agreement. John F Kennedy was successful in office because heRead MoreSummary Of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis s The President Of The United States 1785 Words  | 8 PagesSummary: Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis is a biography on the former First Lady and widow of President John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States. The author, Ellen Ladowsky tells her life story beginning with her parent’s engagement and marriage to her unfortunate death. The book is divided into sections based on major life events, such as her childhood, the White House years, the assassination of her husband, and remarriage. Jacqueline Lee Bouvier was born July 28, 1929 to Janet LeeRead MoreAnalysis Of President John F. Kennedy s Short Term As President Of The United States1544 Words  | 7 PagesEssay- President John F. Kennedy MSgt Corey B. Kennedy Air Force Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy For two years and ten months, America had a visionary leader that inspired a generation to achieve things as a country once thought impossible. For two years and ten months, America had a president that used ethical leadership in decisions that impacted not just the United States, but the world as a whole, and left a lasting legacy. There are a many defining moments from President John FRead MoreJohn F Kennedy served as the 35th president of the United States until his term tragically was cut1200 Words  | 5 PagesJohn F Kennedy served as the 35th president of the United States until his term tragically was cut short by a communist sympathizer on November 22, 1963. On November 22, 1963 the United States lost its innocence. The majority of Americans mourned and felt the pain of his assassination. America watched his assassin meet his own demise from their homes, and watched his widow march down the street of Washington in her husband’s funeral profession, and grown men wept when young John Jr. saluted his FathersRead MoreThe United States Foreign Policy Essay1470 Words  | 6 PagesThe United States foreign policy is an interaction between the United States and foreign nations. Foreign policy sets standards on how different organizations, corporations, and individual citizens should interact with on e another. Some Americans believe the United States should remain withdrawn from the affairs of foreign countries, but other Americans believe the United States should involve itself in the affairs of foreign countries. In 1796, George Washington included these words in his farewellRead MoreThe Most Memorable Experience Of The 20th Century1040 Words  | 5 Pageswas the day president Kennedy was shot. He said that he was a 24 years old undergraduate student in University of Chicago. He and his friends were studying in the library when his roommate came running and told them that the president has been shot. None of them has seen him with such a serious face so they all went to the lounge to listen to the radio. Many of the students were already gathered, avidly listening to the news. After it was announced on the radio that President Kennedy has died they
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Business Plan For A Business Essay - 920 Words
Starting a business can be very expensive and one way to defer some of those costs would be to take on a partner. A partnership exists when at least two owners go into business, but have not filed papers to the state to become a company. (Laurence) Our business should consider a general partnership where profits and liabilities are divided and shared equally. For example, the cost of ownership or leasing would reduce 50% for each partner. In addition to having a partner we should consider the Part 135 Certificate. This certificate places our airplane on a professional charter, which will enable our business to hire out our services during down time. (Shoreline Aviation Worldwide Charter FBO Services, 2013) An operator working for the charter â€Å"markets and sells time on our aircraft and has the expertise and clientele to readily fill available time-frames, while managing all related Part 135 requirements.†(Shoreline Aviation Worldwide Charter FBO Services, 2013) This no t only frees up our personnel, but also the added bonus enlists a service that has already built up their clientele. This could stand to be a huge savings to our business by helping to defer costs of operations, taxes and maintenance. The aircraft and hanger purchases are one-time purchases and the other support element costs are annual costs. Potential annual savings to have a partner total $717,500. Support Element Cost Partner Gulfstream G550 $53,500,000 $26,750,000 Hanger $30,000 $15,000 OperatingShow MoreRelatedBusiness Plan For A Business1223 Words  | 5 Pagesyour own business is to prepare a business plan. A business plan is a written document describing your business future. It tells potential investors and customers what your goals are for the company and how you plan to achieve that. You will need to define your business, products and services, operating procedures and the route your company intends to take to achieve the goals that are set forth. This information summarizes the sense of your business in a single document. Business plans are inherentlyRead MoreBusiness Plan For A Business998 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction Prior to initiating a business, it is necessary for the management and the people involved to make sure that a proper business plan is set out in order to understand the needs of the business. In addition to this, it should also be made sure that the market is properly analysed and all the competitors are studied before taking any step related to the new business. Every business has different needs and is initiated in a different scenario. The business plan under evaluation in this paperRead MoreBusiness Plan For A Business1276 Words  | 6 PagesA business plan is sometimes ignored by some people, but I think it is important to develop a good business plan. I think this should be an interesting topic to discuss about. Yesterday, I receive a phone call from a new client asking for help to build a business plan for his new business. My role in this part as a business consultant is to not blindly do the work for my client but asking them questions to generate information about his i deas, and level of involvement to better help him build hisRead MoreBusiness Plan For A Business840 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"Business plans are statement of a business goals, reason they are attainable and plans on meeting it’ (FoxBuisness, 2013). A business plan maps the course and gives a detail plan on how these goals are achievable. It is also important to establish a solid business plan for funding. Some small business use venture capital, bank loans, personal funds, and private investors as sources of funding. The business plan must therefore, sell investors. A well-written convincing business plan can buy investorsRead MoreAn Business Plan For A Business Essay1394 Words  | 6 Pagescelebration. This business sells games and other entertainment products. This business is commercial, but has a social conscience. It wants to sell to service a need, but also hopes to enrich the lives of those it serves as it addresses a need for meaning, not just connection or celebration. This business produces original IP to compete in the entertainment industry. This business will not produce entertainment that is divisive or for purely solitary consumption. This business might start withRead MoreBusiness Plan For A Business Essay1708 Words  | 7 Pagesbrand-new business, expand an existing company, or get financing for a business venture, you will need to write a business plan. A business plan not only lends your business a sense of credibility, but also helps you to cover all your bases, increasing your chances of success. Although writing a business plan can be a lengthy, intimidating project, it is not necessarily difficult. Here is an overview of how to write a successful business plan. What to Include in Your Business Plan Your businessRead MoreBusiness Plan For A Business1546 Words  | 7 Pagesenterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative or risk†. They are usually characterized as people with greatly valued self-reliance, with high optimism and people who who strive for distinction through excellence. I am interested in starting my own basketball business and becoming an entrepreneur. In order to start a business I need a business plan. From research, I have learned that my business plan needs to have an executive summary, identification of my business, financial recordsRead MoreBusiness Plan For A Business1221 Words  | 5 PagesBusiness plans are documents used for planning out specific details about your business. They can range in size from a simple few sentences to more than 100 pages with formal sections, a table of contents and a title page. According to Entrepreneur Magazine, typical business plans average 15 to 20 pages. Comprehensive business plans ha ve three sections business concept, marketplace and financial and these are broken down into seven components that include the overview or summary of the plan, a descriptionRead MoreBusiness Plan For A Business2550 Words  | 11 PagesActivities 1. Review current menu in terms of business focus 2. Get staff feedback 3. Get customer feedback 4. Point out restaurant goals and business 5. Write menu redesigning proposal 6. Get restaurant owners approval 7. Initiate stake holder support 8. Get stake holders approval and contribution 9. Redesign new menu 10. Trail with restaurant stake holders 11. Modify the trail menu 12. Mass print the modified RESOURCES 1. Restaurant business plan, current menu, current and historical sales reportRead MoreBusiness Plan For A Business1866 Words  | 8 Pages Business Plan Buiness model in theory and practice according to Wikipedia is used for a broad range of informal and forma l descriptions to represent the core aspects of a business, including the purposes of that business, its process, target customers, of ferings, strategies , infrastructure, organizational structures, trading practice, and operational processes and policies . Below, we would look at two kinds of business model (franchise and tradition al business) , their pros and cons, o r their
Debut Albums and Certified Public Accountant free essay sample
Dear Future mum HI? Is it awkward? Well any, how are you? Are you doing fine? Am I thin already? LOL How is it being a Certified Public Accountant In BIRR? Is it hard or kernels Amman? For sure youre still a Kop lover. Am I right or right? I really cant Imagine myself not loving kop. Swear. Once a fangled always a fangled nag deal? So, have you seen L. Joe In real life? Because I havent #deathtraps So Is he good looking? Oh wait! I already know the answer ha Eve heard youre already married [tears of Joy Dad huh SSL lucky guy? Is he as good looking as L.Joe and Is he as gentleman as Sys? (plus laugh) Btw, when and where did you meet him? #curls LOL Hey! Be a good wife and mother, okay? Dont pressure you child/Rene especially In studies like. We will write a custom essay sample on Debut Albums and Certified Public Accountant or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Dont expect too much from them Sal ;aka Lang young Indianapolis. You should spend your free time with your family so that you could get to know them more, so that your family will be able to communicate with you comfortably and so to lessen fights in the family. You should learn to value and cherish your family because they may not be there tomorrow.Especially dont forget to thank the people who helped you in becoming a successful lady. Thank the Lord for everything that He had done to us and the blessing He showered upon your(our) family and to us. (sorry I dont know our future name), no words can express on how proud am I to you(us). I Just want us to be happy and live a simple life. Even though you are busy, dont forget to eat okay? Hindi an us young diet(prom diet for me) an yang. Stay healthy, okay? And be happy! Even though you are stress dont forget to put a smile on our beautiful face.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
The Anxiety Caused When A Mistake Is Realized Essay Example For Students
The Anxiety Caused When A Mistake Is Realized Essay Sigmund Freud believed himself to be a scientist. He believed that he was not a philosopher, just a scientific thinker. Freud carefully thought everything through and always backed up his views. Before any idea went into print, Freud worked hard to make sure that he covered his theories from all angles and that he himself could not disprove one of his theories. As a scientist, Sigmund believed that he must continue to test his theories. While continuing to investigate the workings on the human mind, Freud realized that his views of anxiety tended to contradict each other. In Freuds later years he takes the flipside of his initial view on anxiety. Why does this happen? Well, it is a complicated process in which the complete reversal of ideas seems to shock even Freud. In Freuds book The Interpretation of Dreams, he comes to the conclusion that anxiety arises from forced repression. It is perfectly true that unconscious wishes always remain active. They represent paths which can always be traversedIndeed it is a prominent feature of unconscious processes that they are indestructible. Since wishes remain active, Freud thought that repression of certain wishes in the id by the superego results in a level of nervousness and indecision in the ego, called anxiety. He believed that since the wish was being repressed, it fought harder to come to the surface causing an internal struggle, which heightened sensitivity to danger. However this early work on the source of anxiety was accomplished using only anxiety-dreams and seems rushed when compared to other topics in The Interpretation of Dreams. It becomes obvious that Freud rushed his initial thoughts on anxiety in his first book, when one reads Inhibitions, Symptoms, and Anxiety, one of Freuds later works. The book is full of new ideas, thoughts and research. Freud begins this book by delving into the source of neurotic symptoms. He says that symptoms are:a sign of, and a substitute for, an instinctual satisfaction whi ch has remained in abeyance; its is a consequence of the process of repression. Repression proceeds from the ego when the ego which has been swayed by the superego refuses to associate itself with an instinctual cathexis which has been aroused in the id. In order to understand this, one must first have knowledge of the id, ego, and superego. Briefly, the id is the human instinct; it is self-centered and seeks complete and instant gratification at any expense. The superego begins to develop later in life (5-8years of age) and is influenced by society. Think of the superego as your conscience. Society and the person create right and wrong. So, it might be said that, the superego is a persons moral character. That leaves the ego, which is the mediator of arguments, in the form of impulses and wishes, from the id and superego. It is responsible for a persons actions. It has the ability to choose which impulses from the id are satisfied. The superego can communicate why a certain action could be harmful to oneself or other people, and the ego must choose if satisfying the wish of the id is worth the risk. Coming back to the previous quote, Freud believes that symptoms arise when the ego decides not to allow correct satisfaction of an impulse from the id. However, since the ego realizes that something must be done to stop the impulse, it creates a symptom, which indirectly satiates the id. While this seems to work in the short term, problems eventually arise as the id realizes it has been fooled. An example of this process begins with idea of an Oedipus Complex. This is a strong sexual attraction towards ones own mother during early childhood. Freud explains this process by use of a phobia of Little Hans. The young lad had an overwhelming fear of horses, especially horse-bites. Freud relates this fear to a fear of castration by the father. Freud believes that since Little Hans is attracted to his mother, he resents his father and the power associated with his father . However, the boy cannot truly resent his father, without out causing more pain, because of the closeness in the quarters they reside. The ego of Little Hans then made the decision to fear horses instead because it already witnessed horses hurting Little Hanss friends. Fear of being eaten by their parents for one reason or another is common amongst children. Little Hans needs power and recognizes his fathers genitals as power and therefore the boy fears castration from a horse bite. Freud begins to agree, at least partially with Ranks theory of birth trauma. Lifes initial trauma leads to the creation of anxiety. This initial anxiety leads to the formation of newer and bigger anxieties. Therefore, anxiety comes from birth and exists in all humans. It is around this time that Freud begins to recognize a change in his general theory. He writes:If I had contented myself earlier with saying that after the occurrence of repression a certain amount of anxiety appeared in place of the mani festation of libido. the description would be correct.I can now no longer maintain this view. And, indeed, I found it impossibleto explain how a transformation occurred. He now begins to try to explain his new point of view by going on about further causes of symptoms. He explains that symptoms may arise when repression fails to suppress impulses, when a person tries to undo a traumatic experience, or the auto-erotic impulse is suppressed. Also, the destruction of the Oedipus Complex is a way of overcoming the fear of castration, but creates other symptoms in the fact the it the Oedipus Complex is important to the id. Freud now states that anxiety arises directlyfrom a libidinal cathexis whose processes have been disturbed. He believes that anxiety is the result of disturbed processes in the brain. For example, a traumatic experience greatly upsets every ongoing process in the body. Emotions are stirred and internal chaos results. After the initial incident, a fear arises and a pers on feels great anxiety when near the place or people involved in the initial traumatic experience. This anxiety causes the need for repression in order to calm the anxious feeling. The repression causes the need to create a symptom in order to take away any connection to the initial trauma. This symptom is generally a phobic one. This is Freuds explanation for the creation of phobias. All of the aforementioned ideas led Freud to the conclusion that: Anxiety is a reaction to a situation danger. It is obviated by the egos doing something to avoid that situation or to withdraw from itsymptoms are created so as to avoid the generating of anxiety. Now that Freud has come to a conclusion on anxiety, he begins to try to theorize why different symptoms come about. Basically, childhood neurosis is blamed for later development of symptoms. Everyone is slightly neurotic and will develop phobias, or symptoms relating to past traumatic experiences. Those who have many symptoms and are obsessiona l neurotics have problems stemming form childhood neurosis, which was never overcome. Signs of childhood neurosis can be found in all adult neurotics without exception It is evident that Freud attributes failed repression to obsessional neurosis. .u490d733a9077a5ecdffab48c8bd6d8df , .u490d733a9077a5ecdffab48c8bd6d8df .postImageUrl , .u490d733a9077a5ecdffab48c8bd6d8df .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u490d733a9077a5ecdffab48c8bd6d8df , .u490d733a9077a5ecdffab48c8bd6d8df:hover , .u490d733a9077a5ecdffab48c8bd6d8df:visited , .u490d733a9077a5ecdffab48c8bd6d8df:active { border:0!important; } .u490d733a9077a5ecdffab48c8bd6d8df .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u490d733a9077a5ecdffab48c8bd6d8df { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u490d733a9077a5ecdffab48c8bd6d8df:active , .u490d733a9077a5ecdffab48c8bd6d8df:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u490d733a9077a5ecdffab48c8bd6d8df .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u490d733a9077a5ecdffab48c8bd6d8df .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u490d733a9077a5ecdffab48c8bd6d8df .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u490d733a9077a5ecdffab48c8bd6d8df .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u490d733a9077a5ecdffab48c8bd6d8df:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u490d733a9077a5ecdffab48c8bd6d8df .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u490d733a9077a5ecdffab48c8bd6d8df .u490d733a9077a5ecdffab48c8bd6d8df-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u490d733a9077a5ecdffab48c8bd6d8df:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Cannabis Sativa: Why Hasn't It Been Legalized? Essay We will write a custom essay on The Anxiety Caused When A Mistake Is Realized specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Freud was a scientist. He wanted to make sure that all of his theories could not be disputed. Therefore, he needed to cover his point from every possible angle and continue to further develop it. While doing this, he realized that his theory was incorrect and needed to be changed. Instead of dismissing any possible criticisms he changed his idea in favor of one that is more suitable in light of new evidence. This is why Freud was obsessed with making the change correctly. He wanted to be correct, as we all do, and when he witnessed his mistake, he sucked it up and made anew. Its good practice. BibliographyFreud, Interpretation of DreamPhilosophy Essays
Monday, March 16, 2020
The Storm Essays
The Storm Essays The Storm Essay The Storm Essay Writing a fiction novel, I imagine, can be a very difficult task. It requires using different writing styles and an author with a great imagination. However, I believe the most important aspects in creating good fiction are strong characterization, and an engaging plot†specifically the rising action stage. Well-developed characterization in any fiction can bring a whole book to life through description of looks, thoughts and feelings by making the factious seem real. A thought-provoking, action filled plot keeps me committed to the story and prepares me for a good ending. As a reader, I need a story that will pull me along throughout the book with details containing meaningful ideas, dramatic events, and literature that will take me on a Journey beyond the unknown. The aspects of strong characterization and plot in storytelling are especially important because a good fiction book will allow me, being the reader, to stay engaged to the authors thoughts and feelings. I want to be able to find out what is going to happen in the next scene, a story that is not going to cause me to ecome disinterested halfway through the reading, and yet a story that does not allow me to guess the obvious. There is a cosmic exuberance and a mystic contact with the elements in The Storm (Chopin 29). In the short story, Chopin brings out great detail in the characters by using both direct and indirect characterization along with an engaging plot. She is able to draw out the characters in the story with speech, thoughts and looks, allowing them to come to life. In one setting of the story, she writes Her lips were as red and moist as pomegranate seed. Her white neck and a glimpse of her full, firm bosom disturbed him powerfully. (Chopin 271). This is a great example of strong characterization because the author uses technicalities which allow the reader to be able to construct a realistic image of what the character looks like, thus bringing vivacity into the story. The author is describing to the reader that the characters are a female and a male in a possible heated, maybe sexual situation (Koloski 18) by which the male character is aroused by her red lips and full bosom in which he cannot resist. The other important facet in good fiction is contained in the plot, but specifically where an author creates escalation of tension that will keep a reader turning pages and fully attentive. I feel a plot should be both structural and supportive while simultaneously bringing the whole story together. One good example the author also used in The Storm that exemplifies my second theory of what good fiction should be is the words she used to describe the intensity of the situation coming from the rising moments during the storm. She writes The ain beat softly upon the shingles, inviting them to drowsiness and sleep. But they dared not yield. (Chopin 272). The words the author used created an intensifying moment that could keep a reader enticed and wanting more. The methods used help describe the height of the moment, yet still not disclosing the obvious, almost as if showing the reader the bullet and leave them wondering where the gun is at. Another fervent moment used in The Storm was The rain beat upon the low, shingled roof with a force and clatter that threatened to break an entrance and deluge them there. Chopin 271). This example brings suspense to the plot of the story by creating an antagonizing moment for both the reader and the characters. In summary, good Tlctlon to me means Delng aDle to Taorlcate actlons In a snort story or any fictional literature, from beginning to end and keep a reader guessing by using surprising, realistic plot twists while creating new twists. Although all stages of the p lot in a book are important aspects, an intriguing plot may be the most important part in the novel. As a reader I like to grow fond of my characters and have a good utcome for them so not knowing what is going to happen next and to keep me wondering how the story will end is exactly how good fiction in my opinion is created. Good fiction is being able to escape in the book, take the mind on a never before been on Journey and feel a personal connection with the situation and with the characters, yet forgetting the whole time that the story was invented from the world of the non-existent. We need to create†as she did†new and distinctive ways of awakening, living, thinking, and growing (Toth xix).
Saturday, February 29, 2020
Savage Peace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Savage Peace - Essay Example The high inflation rate, which began in 1918, was further aggravated and it ignited the social unrest, which were marred by riots, strikes, terrorism, fear of Communism and racial unrest, among others (p.113). The nation was not only effectively paralyzed but it became unusually unjust. Even the government began exerting its authority, curbing and violating individual rights in the process. Intelligence were gathered on its citizens and a legislation was passed restricting First Amendment rights (p.113).This year was called the "savage peace". Its impact on modern America is wide-ranging. It established the governmental agencies like the FBI and intensified violence against black Americans, which would influence the trajectory of civil rights movement thereafter. The savage peace highlighted an aspect of the American story at its worst. Much injustice has been committed both from the side of the government as well as from the side of its citizens. It is worthy of our interest because the events that transpired would influence in great degrees the future developments that would shape modern
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
White Dwarf Stars Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
White Dwarf Stars - Essay Example Mainly, white dwarfs’ string stretches through K-dwarf temperature region to approximately 4,000K (Kaler 182). Studies so far conducted refer these kind of stars as end state of evolved main sequence bodies having M less than 9M (Aerts & Christensen-Dalsgaard 111). However, their exact number is not well document due to numerous inaccuracies similar to the study of coolest main sequence dwarfs as well as brown dwarfs (Aerts & Christensen-Dalsgaard 111). Hence, prompting them to be more intriguing to study despite their varied aspects document by certain astronomical scholars including exact location in HRD diagram, which this study intends to highlight. Figure 1: Hertzsprung-Russel-Diagramm (HRD): White Dwarf location. 2010. Web. 16Th March 2014. Studies so far conducted contend temperatures for these stars in most cases usually range between 4,000K and 85,000K (Koupelis 408). However, these temperatures may be even higher under certain circumstances based on the extent of evolution or exhaustion of individual bodies comprising a given stream of galaxy (Koupelis 408). This implies exact measurements of their respective hotness are quite hard to ascertain and declare stars at certain region their exact temperature. Therefore, scientists end up giving temperatures with certain in term of ranges. Another intriguing aspect encompasses their respective masses whereby based on research they normally range between 0.02 and 1.4 solar masses (Koupelis 408). This is because a typical white dwarf is almost close to the size of planet earth (Koupelis 408). Hence, densities of these stars are quite high whereby approximately 106 cm3 grams. This implies a teaspoonful whose measure is about 5 cm3 would
Saturday, February 1, 2020
The queen of spades by pushkin, and The Shining Movie Research Paper
The queen of spades by pushkin, and The Shining Movie - Research Paper Example When the story unfolds the life of Hermann, an officer of the engineers in the Imperial Russian Army, and his attempts at the fortune of cards by some fouls means and, the movie revolves around the writer, Jack Torrance who takes a job as an off-season caretaker at an isolated hotel with his wife and son. The movie portrays the mysterious and the crucial series of incidents that took place in the life of Jack and his family during their stay at the hotel which is believed to be the abode of ghosts and evil souls. While going through both the story and the movie, one can see that both deals with ghosts to create an atmosphere of horror. Both Hermann and Jack suffer as a result of false imaginations. When Hermann in the story suffers from sleeplessness and horrid images of the ghost of the dead Countess as an outcome of his greediness to hoard money through gambling, Jack in the Movie The film ‘The Shining’ has almost all the features of a horror movie. ‘‘The Shining is set in the apotheosis of the Bad Place: not a haunted house, but a haunted hotel, with a different ‘real’ horror movie playing in almost every one of its guest rooms and suites’’ (254). The presentation of the characters and the scenes also conjoin with the nature of the movie. ‘King places a family which is already in crisis in this evil setting. People and place interact to create horror which is both natural and supernatural’ (Sharon 46). Stephen King, whose novel ‘The Shining’ has been filmed with the same title, states, â€Å"Horror allows us to penetrate the mystery of death: horror, on the one hand, shows a way to cope with death and, on the other hand, even suggests what might happen beyond death†(Heidi 119). The novel and the film provide so many instances establishing this fact through the life of the central character Jack. It was his attempt to penetrate into the mystery of "crazy woman in one of the rooms" creates all the troubles in his life (Heidi
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Morality in Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter Essay -- Scarlet Letter ess
Morality in The Scarlet Letter    "...pain is in itself an evil; and indeed, without exception, the only evil; or else the words good and evil have no meaning." (Chase 127) In the novel The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne presents a very clear view of his stand on morality, which he carefully cultivates through the course of the story. The moral, which is "Be true!" applies equally well to all of the characters in the novel. Though his view does seem to stand as true through the length of the story, it does not, unfortunately, transfer as smoothly to our lives today. In essence it is a hedonistic view to take, which requires a slight stretch as to his interpretation as to how evil, and important, an individual's pain is unto itself. By looking at each of the main characters in turn, it may be determined exactly what his view was on this subject, and how it may be applied to life in our society today.  Because his moral is more explicitly defined as "Be true! Be true! Be true! Show freely to the world, if not your worst, some trait by which your worst may be inferred!" Hester Prynne is a sound example, for she did exactly that. She could not, and did not, hide her sin, and as a result wore it clearly at all times on her breast, hiding nothing. While at first it may seem as though she was punished more than any other character, because she was so physically punished, Hawthorne makes it clear that she was the most satisfied character in the novel, eventually finding peace with herself because she had no pressing secrets to gnaw at her conscience. Physically, however, the Puritan imposition of punishment was harsh, and unyielding. It brought her below many of the men and women of the town, and had the psychologic... .... 47-49). San Diego: Greenhaven.  Canby, Henry S. (1996). "A Skeptic Incompatible with His Time and His Past." Readings on Nathaniel Hawthorne (pp. 55- 63). San Diego: Greenhaven.  Chase, Richard (1996). "The Ambiguity of the Scarlet Letter." Readings on Nathaniel Hawthorne (pp. 145-152). San Diego: Greenhaven.  Gartner, Matthew. "The Scarlet Letter and the Book of Esther: Scriptural Letter and Narrative Life." Studies in American Fiction (1995): 131-144.  Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The Scarlet Letter. New York: St. Martins, 1991.  Loring, G. B. (1850). "The Scarlet Letter and Transcendentalism." Massachusetts Quarterly Review [On-line], pp. 1-6. Available:  Scharnhorst, Gary. The Critical Response to Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter. New York: Greenwood, 1992.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Nixon and the Happenstances that Brought Him to Nix Essay
On the fateful night of eighth of August in 1974, President Richard M. Nixon announced his resignation from his office due to the pertinent issue that he was facing. According to his resignation speech, he has to leave his office because the Congress has lost its faith on him, and because of that he cannot pursue the completion of his term of office. In his resignation speech, Nixon explicitly stated that he will vacate the White House at exactly twelve o’clock noon the next day, and that his office will be officially entrusted with Vice President Gerald R. Ford. On that fateful night, Nixon uttered the following words â€Å"that process of healing which is so desperately needed in America,†[1] which is considered by his critics as partly true and partly as an escape goat for an imminent impeachment against him. (1)             In American history, Nixon is the first president who surrenders his authority and stature. What are the circumstances that led an esteemed president to his fall down? It was common belief that a president would only be forced to leave his office for two significant reasons: first, if he is a lousy president, regardless if he is innately a good person, his lousiness will bring forth the end of his term, and second, if he is an exceptional president but catapulted an extraordinary scandal that no one can forgive, his days on the White House will definitely be numbered. (2) And in the case of Nixon, he committed the latter.            In this paper, I will outline how a seemingly invincible president was crushed down. I will also give nitty-gritty details of Watergate scandal, which is the root of Nixon’s fall down from his office. But let me first provide a brief exposition of Nixon’s autobiographical account of his presidency. The Anthology of Humble Beginnings            Nixon started his political journey when he became a part of United States of House of Representatives in 1946. But it was only in 1948 that his name was propelled with respect and adoration in the public eye due to his discovery of Alger Hiss’ conspiracy with Soviet Union. In 1950, he won the senatorial race outwitting Congresswoman Helen Gahagan Douglas, in which he has a well publicized rivalry. During this senatorial race, Nixon was named as Tricky Dick because he labeled the congresswoman as the Pink Lady. (1)            In 1952, Nixon achieved new heights in his political career because he was elected as the 36th vice president of our country. But before he assumed this position, he faced a scandal about malversation of public funds, which led the Democrats and the Republicans in requesting President Eisenhower to eliminate him of their party. Nixon being a good speaker convinced Eisenhower and the public that his conscience is clean and that he is indeed credible for the position after reciting his Checkers speech in the television. (1)            In Nixon’s journey there were some fiascos along his way. In 1960, he joined the presidential race against President John F. Kennedy, which led to his first disappointment in his political career. He experienced another disappointment after losing his candidacy in the race for Governor of California. (1)            But in every storm there will always be rainbow. When Nixon successfully established a strong political party in the guise of what he called â€Å"silent majority†, his political comeback is already certain. In 1969, he became the 37th president of the United States of America upsetting Hubert H. Humphrey with less one percent of the poll. His triumph is due to his promise of ending the Vietnam War, in which he fruitfully put into a realization. With his creation of Nixon Doctrine, he delivered peace not only with Vietnam but with China and Soviet Union as well. (3)            But everything must come down to its end. And this is exactly what happens to Nixon’s political journey when the Watergate scandal started to come out. This time there was nothing he can do to save his diminishing credibility. The Anatomy of Watergate Scandal            Watergate is nothing but a plain lavish establishment erected in Washington D.C. that doesn’t spell any scandal. But in 1972, it changed our perception of the hotel because it embodies Nixon’s myriad of under the table activities. The beginning of these Watergate activities can be traced back in 1969 when he and Henry Kissinger attempted to stop the leaking of his administration’s shenanigans by wire tapping the phones of several journalists and those officials against who were against him. These Watergate wrongdoings also include the housebreak of Dr. Lewis Fielding in an effort to acquire his psychiatric records, which transpired in 1971; the FBI probing on CBS’ Daniel Horr in 1971; and the investigation of G. Gordon Liddy’s discussion of Jack Anderson assassination also in 1971.(3)            But it was in the seventeenth of June 1972 at around two in the morning that all of these activities where discovered, when five of his men were caught burglarizing the Democratic Party’s headquarters located at Watergate hotel. According to documents, Frank Mills, a guard in Watergate hotel, was doing his inspection of the place when he found a piece of tape preventing a door from latching. He removed the tape, only to found out later that the door was re-taped. Out of curiosity, Mills phoned the police about the matter. At around 2:30 in the morning, five men were caught installing wire tapping paraphernalia and taking pictures of some document causing them to be arrested.(2)            These men were later identified as Bernard Barker, Virgilio Gonzalez, Eugenio Martinez, Frank Sturgis, and James W. McCord Jr., and proven to have a connection with Nixon. During the arraignment of these burglars, Washington Post’s Bob Woodard overheard some pertinent information from McCord, which led for his own investigation, and later on he discovered that McCord was part of Committee to Re-Elect the President (CRP) security force. As the scandal went on, the link between the Watergate event and the White House was finally established when E. Howard Hunt’s phone number was found in Barker’s notebook. (2)            According to investigations, Hunt and Liddy served as watchers outside the hotel, wherein both of them were guarding outside the vicinity and communication with the burglars inside Watergate hotel, and later on, it was realized that both were members of â€Å"The Plumbers†. John Ehrlichman was the brainchild of The Plumbers, which is designed to ensure that impossibility of any leakage in Nixon’s office and to destroy the Democrats. (2)            Nixon’s forces tried damage control through cover-ups, alibis and denials. Jeb Magruder, L. Patrick Gray of FBI along with others obliterated all significant documents and denied all allegations regarding the scandal. In a desperate attempt to control the situation, Nixon asked White House Chief of Staff Robert Haldeman to do his own probing on the case arguing that it might interfere with the CIA operation, but this investigation was planned so that can get hold of the CIA. (2)            Woodard along with Carl Bernstein continued there research on the scandal until they found a formidable source inside the White House, whom they labeled Deep Throat. According to their reports, Deep Throat only confirmed all the information that they have gathered with regards to Watergate scandal. In 2005, W. Mark Felt validated that he was behind Deep Throat secret identity. (4)            In the progression of the scandal, Nixon was re-elected from presidency, and two months after his re-election, the five burglars pleaded guilty while McCord and Liddy were convicted of conspiracy, burglary, and illegal wiretapping in Judge John Sirica’s trial. Things get out of control as time went by. His underlings started to backstab each other, some of them blackmailed him, and worst of all they left Nixon in the verge of his insurmountable predicament. (4)            But the biggest mistake he committed happened when he fired Archibald Cox along with some of his subordinate. This incident on the twentieth of October 1973 was known as the Saturday Night Massacre provoked the first serious attempts to Nixon’s impeachment. The first impeachment trial was heard on the ninth of May. But his last straw was pulled out when the smoking gun tape was listened on the fifth of August 1974. The tape disclosed Nixon’s approval to hush money for Hunt who blackmailed him for releasing his part on the Watergate scandal. It also exposed that Nixon asked CIA to speak with the FBI for dropping the investigation on Pigs of the Bay. (1)            The realization of imminent impeachment led Nixon to file his resignation. But he made sure that his exit will be redeeming. In a national television, he announced his resignation with words of a dignified man by stating â€Å"By taking this action, I hope that I will have hastened the start of the process of healing which is so desperately needed in America.†At the end of his speech, he never admitted any act of wrongdoing. The next day, at exactly twelve noon, he left White House and Vice President Ford filled the left position. And on the eight of September, one month after the televised address, President Ford freed Nixon from all of his political crimes. (2)  BIBILIOGRAPHY: 1.) Elish, Dan The Watergate Scandal Scholastic Library Pub, 2004. 2.) Fox, Steve. â€Å"Revisiting Watergate.†Washington Post 2005. 3.) Shepard, Alicia C. Woodward and Bernstein: Life in the Shadow of Watergate Wiley, 2006. 4.) Woodward, Bob. â€Å"Deep Throat Revealed.†Washington Post 2005. [1] Taken from Nixon’s Resignation Address
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Investing Your Precious Resources With The Hyland...
We welcome you as a client to the Hyland Investment Institute. Thank you for taking the time to read our prospectus, and for considering investing your precious resources with us. On behalf of my team I would like to recommend General Electric Corporation. It is suitable for virtually any well-rounded portfolio. Over the last 116 years, GE is the only company that has been continu- ously listed on the Dow Jones Industrial Average. It is built to last and I thoroughly recommend it as a stock to buy and hold for the long term. GE is committed to focusing on long-term opportunities. The company has a philosophy of only concentrating on markets that it can dominate as GE positions itself to be a leader. The reason it has remained competitive for more than a century is because they make progress, evolve and adapt. General Electric’s technology and people, ‘power, move, build and cure the world’. They do not simply attempt to push the boundaries of technology, rather they seek to harness tech- nological improvements to expand the boundaries of infrastructure, business, healthcare and energy. However, progress and great results take time. But as an investor, you can expect the payback to be substantial in terms of sustainable, long-term growth and prosperity. The stock is suitable for income and dividend investors due to the fact it provides the opportunity for both income production and capital gains over the long term. Furthermore, GE’s forward thinking programs will annihilate
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