Tuesday, May 19, 2020
President Kennedy Of The United States - 1245 Words
The date was January 20, 1961, it was brutally cold, the highest temperature at 20 degrees Fahrenheit, and there were over 20,000 people gathered to observe one of the most iconic speeches in U.S. HISTORY. John F. Kennedy now President Kennedy of the United States of America stepped up to the podium ready to address the nation as the youngest ever to be elected. He came into office at height of the Cold War, and the one thing on people s minds was the fear of a nuclear war occurring and communism spreading. As he addressed the nation he successfully reassured Americans that they made the right choice in electing him, emphasized his determination to work for freedom and human rights and most importantly he inspired Americans and the whole world to rise to greatness. Coming into the presidency after winning by a small margin President Kennedy knew he had reassure Americans that he was the right choice for them. The election of 1960 was one of the closest in American history, with approximately 100,000 votes separating President Kennedy from his opponent Richard Nixon. As he strived to convince Americans that he was a legitimate choice he stated â€Å"We observe today not a victory of party but a celebration of freedom--symbolizing an end as well as a beginning--signifying renewal as well as change†. Because he said this it acknowledged, the victory he had achieved without mentioning the narrow margin he had won the election by, this was because he believedShow MoreRelatedJohn F. Kennedy : The President Of The United States991 Words  | 4 PagesI selected John Fitzgerald Kennedy or JFK for my research because I did not know much about him. Initially, I knew that he was the 35th president of the United States. Kennedy is also one of the four presidents who were assassinated while in office. 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